A calm, peaceful and restrained attitude to life, especially in the face of adverse circumstance, is God’s desire for His people.
One proof that we have received the gift of righteousness from Jesus after we are saved in the presence of peace in our heart, and the effect of this peace is quietness even in the midst of adversity.
As God’s special people, He does not want us to panic or be troubled in our hearts like the people of the world are whenever the enemy blows the wind of adversity.
As kings and priests to our God, He says to us the same words He sent to King Ahaz – be quiet.
Jesus, Our perfect example, was presented as a man of quiet temperament. He did not go around making noise or panicking over situations rather, He ruled over circumstances around Him by decree.
Are you surrounded by the dark clouds of life, with the winds of adversity blowing strongly against you? God is saying to you “Be quiet”.
You may ask why should I be quiet?
It is because in your quiet submission to God, He will arise on your behalf, and your enemies shall be scattered.
To be like our Master, we are to be peaceful and quiet when in distress, when the enemy rises against us like a flood, and in the face of destructive criticism or rebellion.
In these circumstances, one can only be quiet as a result of faith in God and to trust in his ability to work things out in our favour. In reality, whenever a child of God goes into quiet mode, God takes it as an invitation to step in on behalf of the fellow.
You must realize that you are limited in all aspects of life, and stop fighting your battles all by yourself.
Switch to quiet mode and let Jesus take over your case He will give you the rest that you need, as He promised in Matthew 11:28.