Walking in counsel of the ungodly

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


One of the ways of attacking divine blessings is to stay away from the counsel of the wicked.

Who is a wicked person?

When you look through the lens of God’s word, you will discover that there are wicked people hiding in plain sight amongst us.

For example, a wicked fellow is someone who takes advantage of the trust given to him to hurt another person.

Joseph was put in a position of trust, but he did not take advantage of it because he did not want to be wicked.

When his master’s wife wanted to lure him into sexual immorality. Joseph regarded sleeping with his master’s wife as wickedness, so he did not do it.

Another category of the wicked includes those who despise the good works of others and render them insignificant.

When you are posted to a new office and you refuse to see the good work your predecessor did, or worse still, you try as much as possible to erase the history of his or her stewardship, you are wicked.

Walking in the counsel of the wicked can have grave and everlasting consequences. An example of the impact of ungodly counsel is found in the story of Amnon and his lust of his half-sister, Tamar.

Amnon was caught in Jonadab’s wicked counsel, and he died for it.

Examine the company you keep, even in church. If you find any form of ungodliness prevalent anywhere, separate yourself from it.

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You should also stay away from false teachers. Especially those who always talk about blessings.