I want to use this medium to tell God 'Thank You" for all the things you have done for me and I return all the glory to HIM alone. If it had not been the Lord who was always on my side, who knows? I would have been lost and gone but God in His infinite mercies has always kept me. Thank you GOD!
To live is a privilege because many are dying by the day so, we should be thankful to GOD always. Also, life is a very precious gift from God and as such, should be cherished and appreciated. When I look back at where I was many years ago and the things that happened to me, I have every reason to appreciate GOD.
There was a point in my life, I thought all hope was lost but God has always been showing up. I'm not just happy that I am alive till today; I'm more happy because I know that I have added value to the lives of a few persons. Living is about impacting lives and by the grace of God, I have affected a good number of persons positively in my little capacity.
I thank God for all I have achieved so far and I am certain that HE will help me to achieve more in the years to come. I thank God for the many victories. I thank Him for the amazing family He gave me. Also, I thank God for the value-adding network I have built.
God be praised! I pray for long life, prosperity, good health and every other good thing life has to offer. It is well with me; in the morning, in the noon time and in the night time. I pray that no evil shall befall me all the days of my life.
Say a word of prayer for me if you read this!