John 6: 5
When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd had approached him, he said to Philip: Where can we buy bread for these to eat?
What is your level of faith? If only you could believe!
Yes, to believe in the one who knows everything, the one who can do everything and the one who does everything.
It was impossible for the disciples to feed a large crowd, they were across the sea on a mountain in the first place; they would hardly find a bakery that would cover the amount of bread needed for more than five thousand people and secondly, where would they get the money? Jesus was not making it easy for the disciples. In the same way that God acts with us, we only have to believe, The disciples walked with Jesus but they had a hard time believing, the test that Jesus' disciples had a hard time passing was the test of faith, they were unbelievers and their eyes were fixed on the This is why material things failed over and over again.
Beloved, our gaze should be on the supernatural, the apostle Paul teaches us that we must declare what is not as if it were, you just have to declare and believe and it will be done, widen the stakes of your tent, do not be scarce, says the prophet Isaias, take a step of faith forward, advance in faith and declare life where there is death, declare health where there is sickness, declare abundance where there is scarcity, declare unity where there is separation, declare order where there is disorder, declare freedom where there is fear declare and believe and God does. God never leaves His children ashamed He honors those who honor Him.