En la alabanza hay poder y eso lo sabe nuestro Satanás, el hace lo imposible para robar la alabanza de nuestra boca, el desea que estemos desesperados, angustiados, tristes, cuando nos sentimos así en vez de alabar lo que hacemos es pedirle explicaciones a Dios, pero el se mueve con poder en medio de la alabanza, es allí donde el se manifiesta.
In praise there is power and our Satan knows that, he does the impossible to steal the praise from our mouth, he wants us to be desperate, anguished, sad, when we feel like this instead of praising what we do is ask God for explanations, but he moves with power in the midst of praise, that is where he manifests himself.
No importa las circunstancias, independientemente de la situación que estés pasando, sea escasez, soledad, ansiedad, depresión etc, Dios es digno de ser alabado, una adoración da sus frutos, cuando e Pablo y Silas estaban encarcelados con cadenas en los pies, también asustados y adoloridos y sumergidos en la aflicción, no dejaron de alabar a Dios , empezaron adorar con voz fuerte, para que todos oyeran su adoración, alli Dios se manifestó.
No matter the circumstances, regardless of the situation you are going through, be it scarcity, loneliness, anxiety, depression etc, God is worthy of praise, a worship pays off, when Paul and Silas were imprisoned with chains on their feet, too frightened and in pain and submerged in affliction, they did not stop praising God, they began to worship with a strong voice, so that everyone could hear their adoration, there God manifested himself.
Cuando alabamos a Dios suceden cosas maravillosas, las puertas de la cielos se abren, las cadenas de opresión se rompen, Dios toma el control y todo cambia, sí hay tristeza llega la alegría, donde hay desesperación llega la paz, no dejemos de adorar ni de alabar al rey de reyes y señor de señores, el se mueve en la alabanza de su pueblo.
When we praise God, wonderful things happen, the doors of heaven are opened, the chains of oppression are broken, God takes control and everything changes, if there is sadness, joy comes, where there is despair, peace comes, let us not stop worshiping or from praising the king of kings and lord of lords, he moves in the praise of his people.
Hay algo sorprendente, Dios anda buscando adoradores que le adoren en espíritu y verdad, el tiene ángeles, arcángeles, serafines, querubines que lo alaban todo el tiempo, sin embargo el demanda que le adoremos y glorifiquemos su nombre, derrama tu alma y reconoce su poder y grandeza, no importa si desafinas al cantar o no tienes buena voz, el solo pide que sea de corazón ❤️.
There is something surprising, God is looking for worshipers who worship him in spirit and truth, he has angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubs who praise him all the time, however he demands that we adore him and glorify his name, pour out your soul and recognize his power and greatness, it doesn't matter if you sing out of tune or you don't have a good voice, he only asks that it be from the heart ❤️.
La Biblia dice todo lo que respire alabe a Jehová, y su estás respirando entonces estás palabras son para ti y para mí, alabemos a Dios por su grandeza, por su poder , por sus misericordias, porque él es bueno y el y sólo el es digno de la supremo alabanza.
The Bible says everything that breathes praise Jehovah, and if you are breathing then these words are for you and me, let us praise God for his greatness, for his power, for his mercies, because he is good and he and only he is worthy of the highest praise.
1 Alaba a Dios en su santuario; alabadle en la magnificencia de su firmamento.
2 Alabadle por sus proezas; alabadle conforme a la muchedumbre de su grandeza.
3 Alabadle al son de bocina, alabadle con salterio y arpa.
4 Alabadle con pandero y danza, alabadle con cuerdas y flautas.
5 Alabadle con címbalos resonantes; Alabadle con címbalos de júbilo.
6 Todo lo que respire alabe a Jehová, Aleluya.
Salmo 150:1-6
1 Praise God in his sanctuary; Praise him in the magnificence of his firmament.
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; Praise him according to his excellent greatness.
3 Praise him with the sound of the horn, praise him with the psaltery and the harp.
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance, praise him with strings and flutes.
5 Praise him with resounding cymbals; Praise him with cymbals of joy.
6 All that breathes praise Jehovah, Hallelujah.
Psalm 150: 1-6