Mistake That Can Kill

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 



You are made in the image of God. Be confident. The day you gave your life to Jesus, you have become royalty. You are now chosen of God. Stop looking down on yourself. You are not inferior to anyone. Stay in your line of strength. That is where your confidence is. Celebrate your strength. Package yourself well. If you look down on yourself, people will do the same to you. Whatever little thing you do, do it with confidence. Many tried to put Jesus down but he did not allow them. They called him Belzebub. They laughed and mocked his anointing but he did not stop using the anointing. He was born in a manger yet he did not stay with a manger's mentality. His fatherhood was controversial but he hooked up to the fatherhood of God to break all barriers. He never for once looked down on himself in spite of all the controversies around him. He kept moving forward. Because you are born again, you are no more on the floor. Look up because that is where you are seated. The bible says, we are seated together with Christ in heavenly places far above principalities and powers. Stop looking down on yourself. Stop judging yourself based on physical and material possession. What you have in Christ is more than any carnal possession.

God was about to give Gideon a national assignment but he was looking down on himself. He said, his family is the least in the entire nation of Israel and he is the least among his father's children. He disqualified himself from greatness but God insisted on choosing him. God made his name great in spite of the short falls around him. How many times have you missed out on greatness because you looked down on yourself? Stop using your family background or nationality to disqualify yourself. Put in for those global competitions and offers and you will see how God will help you get to prominence. It's a new beginning for you in Jesus name.



Worry reduces speed. Most of the fears you worry about never come to pass. Can you see that worrying is a waste of precious time. The bible in Philippians 4:6 warns us not to worry or fret over anything but through prayers and thanksgiving we should make our request known unto God. If you can pray, why worry? Worry will age you. Worry will make you take wrong steps. Worry brings fear. It is very destructive. Stay away from worry. Jesus will not leave you nor forsake you. He already told us we would have tribulation, but we should be of good cheer. He has overcome the world for you.

Zechariah asked the Angel: HOW SHALL THESE THINGS BE? That question is the trademark of worry. You know what he got as a reply? He got dumbness as a gift and reward for worry. When God gives you a promise, stop worrying how it will come to pass. Just stay serving God sincerely and dutifully. Stop worrying how your children will be great? Stop worrying how your business will flourish? Just do all that God's word instructs and leave the rest to God. He is not a weak God who needs your help. He can help Himself.



Be positive. In Christ is YES and AMEN. Being negative will flatten the promises of God in your life. It is Satan who is negative. Do not form an alliance with him. When things are negative or look negative, remain positive. Abraham hoped against hope. He did not consider the deadness of his body or the deadness of Sarah's womb. He remained positive, giving glory to God. He ended up having the promised child. Those promises are being delayed in your life because you are too negative. Be like God who speaks those things that be not as though they were. The things we see are temporal. They are subject to change by your words and attitude. Think before you utter any negative word. Do not use your negative utterance to cancel the promise of God for your life. Be positive for once and you will enjoy ceaseless victories. The more you read the wonders of God, the more positive you become. The more you listen to testimonies of the acts of God, the more positive you become. Everything about you will be alright.



Jesus said, Knock and it shall be opened. You do not stop knocking until the door is open. Have you ever considered this illustration? When you are sure someone is in the house, you keep knocking until the door is opened. If you are sure God has what you are asking for, then you must not stop knocking. You easily give up, that is why you do not enjoy ready answers to your prayers. After reading this piece, go back to the places where you have been rejected and God will show up for you in Jesus name. Do you remember the story of the widow woman in Luke 19. She kept going to the wicked judge for vengeance. She wearied the judge out until she got her desires. Jesus called her consistency and persistence, Faith. Giving up easily is a sign that your faith is weak. Take that request up again and you will see your heart desire come to pass. It is well with you. Do not give up. God will surely come through for you.

Hannah kept going to Shiloh and God gave her a Samuel and 5 more children. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist kept living a righteous life and God gave her a Son. She did not sneak to a shrine to drink any concoction. She stayed with God. Joseph kept interpreting dreams even when he was suffering for an offence he never committed. It was this same gift that made a way for him.
Personally, I have made up my mind to keep writing even when there is no money to publish. In my consistency, God has shown up. God will show up for you if you will not give up.



The Lord's Prayer says, if you do not forgive men their trespasses, God will not forgive you of your trespasses. There is this illustration God gave me years ago. He said, your heart is very light, do not weigh it down with offences. The heart is for pumping blood, it is not to hold grudges, if not, the blood will be contaminated. Do not weigh down your heart with bitterness and unforgiveness. Regularly, delete corrupt files from your hard disk which is your heart. Make your life simple and light. That is one of the secrets of good health and long life. Do you also know that one of the reasons for poverty is unforgiveness? Many have cut off from their destiny helpers because of offences. Let the hurt go so that you will remain hot in the spirit.

In wisdom, use offences to climb to the top. Do not allow offences to drown you in obscurity. The person who offended you has forgotten and he is moving higher, why don't you let go and move to your next level. Bitterness is a heavy luggage that will sink your destiny if you do not take charge on time

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