Keeping The Commandments of God

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Of all the authorities on earth and heaven, God's authority is the greatest. Deut 28:1.
We pray a lot truly, but so many people do not keep the commandment of God. If we pray and also keep the commandment of God, we will succeed exceedingly.
We usually study the Bible but have you been able to keep the commandment of God?
Whether you are close to the alter or not, you must keep the commandment of God. Gen 6:5-8.
It was only noah that keep God's commandment at that time, and those who didn't keep them were flushed away while noah and his family were saved.
So when God says you should ammend your ways and keep his commandments, it's because he doesn't want you to perish like the disobedient ones.
God has said that He's going to destroy the world with fire, and it is only those who hasn't kept His commandments that will persih with the fire.
Few of the commandments of God

  • Honour your father and your mother. Matt 15:3-6

-don't have any other God except Him. Exo 20

-remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.

Thou shall not kill

Thou shall not commit adultery
Don't testify falsely against your brethren.

A woman must not put on what belongs to a man. Deut 22:5

Thou shall not be covetous

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