God Loves Original People: Be Original

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Be You.jpeg


In our present day today, people have pretended to be what they’re not so much that even they don’t know who they are anymore. We're not content with what God has planned for us and go great lengths doing things to be accepted in society.

People don’t like messy and different so we do anything to fit it and be liked by other people. Creating customized personalities for each person we meet that we want to like us.

We’re our own people but our very behavior and actions are controlled by the opinions other people have about us. We give them the power to control our lives by being so concerned what they think about how we talk, walk, and even our beliefs or aspirations. God is the best judge and he doesn't judge you, who the hell should?

What if people don’t accept you? The important thing is to walk in God's path, protect your mental and emotional health and stay happy. Don’t do things just because other people consider them normal.

Do the things that make you happy regardless of what this person or that person might think as long as it doesn't go contrary to any of the teachings of the lord . Be a free spirit. You’re not weird because talking about scientific stuff like alternate realities. You’re just different, unique, and that’s okay.

Show the author inside you even though your friends consider you nerdy for being a writer. Like nature? Shoot those pictures of random things in nature you find amusing. Your friends consider you lame and childish because you post memes on a daily basis, keep posting em. You’re not a party animal, don’t try to force to fit in with Stifflers. You're 20 but you still like video games and anime? Normal.

You need to accept and love yourself first before other people do same. You weren’t created to be like other people but yourself. You’re the only you in the entire universe.

Living original attracts original people. Stay original. Enjoy realness, enjoy quality

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