It looks like my time will be consumed flagging the same 6 users every day. I'd very much appreciate it if they could be put down permanently. Save me a lot of time.
Administrators and Moderators Informed.
Consolidated List of Plagiarists Updated
New Articles Flagged
4 Stage Process
- Stage 1 - 1st Warning - Pointing people towards Achievement 3 and highlighting this process. All plagiarised posts currently pending rewards will be flagged and downvoted to $0 rewards.
- Stage 2 - A Final Warning - Another request to stop and that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Downvotes amounting to 20% of total pending rewards according to steemworld.
- Stage 3 - A stronger message - Downvotes amounting to 50% of pending rewards.
- Stage 4 - The strongest message possible - Downvotes amounting to 100% of pending rewards.
Plagiarists will bypass stage 1 if translated from another language.