List Of The Plagiarists/ Plagiarised Content Visited This Week

in hive-108572 •  3 years ago 

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Greeting Everyone!

Here is The list of the Plagiarists and the plagiarised content which we have visited last week. We would like to Thanks all supporters (Delegators) and those who have helped us in finding them and we appreciate your efforts in fighting against plagiarism on the platform.

List of the Plagiarised content:

NoNamePost's Link
1timetalksPost Link
2lawrisco1001Post Link
3cafeyarepasPost Link
4vuyulauryne-hillPost Link
5happysean301Post Link
6jay98Post Link
7jay98Post Link
8healthcarenewsPost Link
9norrin6Post Link
10sara.holtPost Link
11xupingPost Link
12ajosefinaPost Link
13kaizuko24Post Link
14fonshPost Link
15syedtaufeeqPost Link
16aselfPost Link

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