To be honest I have nothing much to say except that it was very disappointing to see how to people are trying to destroy the successful community that supported hundreds of user. One of that person who got her reputation thanks to Steem SkillShare. I always supported the team I chose, I think you can see the report of Booming upvotes moderators were always on top list. As @dwarrilow2002 replied mentioned @andyfish was club5050 when I submitted him. I never deliberately "abused" booming and as he showed to check club status is tricky even those who accused me were apparently not in clubs. I am ok that all the users of Steem Skillshare that I supported for months are now throwing stones in me. That is their choice. It was sad to see how they run away against their profit writing to me I got scared of endplagiarism who spam the network with his multiple accounts and a spam message undelegate to Steem SkillShare. The community that actually submits them to Booming, ask curators 04 and 07 in person to support our users, and tries to build curation trail by working with developer team and investors who powered up to support the Community.
We were building community in a way that even after clubs were introduced, the people still continue to create contests so community gave 100 % of curation trail ( 300000 sp) 70% and 50% to the winners that Steem Skillshare users select. Each user was allowed to throw a contest. To let users earn more I spent hours of my personal time to talk to big accounts and convince to power up and invest in the community. I always supported Steem platform, when I started Steem the only problem was no big cryptoexchange sites were working in my country. So I gave up the idea to build Community Kazakhstan as people won't be able to cash out. However, I still changed the name of my shop to Steem Mart to spread the idea of accepting steem as payment. I still didn't give up to promote Steem and decided to create Steem Skillshare. I wanted Steem to be used as payment method and create a link between specialists and learners or online service sellers and buyers. Unfortunately, there are no real specialists on Steemit as well as people who really want to learn a foreign language for example, so I decided to promote Steemit outside the platform. The problem of outsiders they are interested in blogging, teaching, sharing knowledge but they are not interested in trading, exchange or crypto so idea was that special team will take care of this boring part and distribute the money to the specialists who write quality content. As I think quality content is a big problem on Steemit so I wanted to bring through different promotions people who are interested in creating content not begging for upvotes. There are people who cannot withdrawal because of their country limits , there are people who are not interested in learning trading but my idea was to connect everyone.
This is my last response on this matter. I am replying to @steemcurator01 because I want to show my respect to the team that supported me from the beginning.
The last thing I want to say is that I am not here to please popcorn lovers or to fuel the scandals. There is a real war outside. The people die, kids die, countries send their army to kill and die. I am not questioning people why they power down why they decide to stop clubs, many were invited to Steem SkillShare before any clubs. If everyone wants community collapse, then I am sorry but I will survive. If Steemit team remove booming, that's your decision. I supported as much as I could every person who delegated even 20 Sp.