Art and Writing Contest #133 "The Passion In this Being"

in hive-108800 •  4 days ago 

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Hello friends and welcome to my article once again while I appreciate @solperez for such an interesting setup of contest and would definitely be putting my thoughts into this regard.

Brandy was a pet to the Johnson's, he was taken into their custody from a little age, he was nursed taken into the family and ended up being a loved pet for the family. It was a time of joy as the family watched Brady entertain them during the day while they watched him rotate with his tail in his mouth, dancing and giving a perfect sport to keep them happy.

Moreso, he would look sober when hungry, wriggle his tail at Mrs. Johnson foot, press his stomach on her feet and keep that passionate eye contact he would avoid eye contacts in respect when she looks at him. He gives subtle melody while his meal is being served. Indeed he was a perfect passionate being. He would enjoy his meal and out of gratitude, besides Mr. Johnson kissing his feet and making find playful passionate gestures. The passion of the pet was well unmatched. All loved Brandy, he would look cute after having a bathe and would subtly enjoy his nap after the bath.


Eventually the family got robbed, he was outrageous, barking profusely after the robbery. They left the family in pain. Brandy couldn't contain the rage as the family members were beaten. He bounced on the robber, who stabbed him to the chest. He fell off and wrigged in pain once again. He was wounded badly and bled badly. The robber left the house and the pet was gradually fading while struggling to breathe, and with each breathe his eye dwindled and blinked lazily.

Painfully, he looked each member of the family while in pain slowly, bading them goodbye as he journey out of life. The passion in the scene made Mrs. Johnson cry so bitterly. The passion of the being was so intimate on the family. Brandy died after some hours and this made a whole memory to the family as they all lived to remember him all the times spent with their dear pet.

I invite @enamul17 @solaymann @bossj23 @pandora2010 to join contest
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Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Los perros tienen el don de robarse los corazones de sus amos. Así pasan a ser partes de la familia. Brandy lo demostró: Dio su vida para proteger a quienes lo cuidaban. Por eso nunca será olvidado.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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