SEC-S16-W6 | Vibrating High

in hive-108800 •  11 months ago 


Hi Friends I'm happy to be part of this amazing contest. Happiness is not like annual events that come yearly or so, for me happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy and smiling. I also think happiness is the condition of the heart, it's a complex and Individual experience, there's no specific time for someone to be happy though various factors such as relationships, personal circumstances, physical and mental health and overall life satisfaction can contribute to our happiness. But just like our faces are different so be things that make us happy.


For me, being mindful of my spiritual needs, practising gratitude, maintaining positive relationships, and engaging in joyful activities brings me happiness. I don't compare myself to others or worry about what I don't have. I live in the present and enjoy the little things in life..

"My mother once told me that yesterday is history, tomorrow is the future (mystery) while today is a gift that is why it's called present"

So I enjoyed small things and moments to make my larger life happier! Let me share some of this moment with you.


I took this picture in October 2022 when I attended a Christian meeting for the first time after giving birth to my daughter. It was so refreshing and inspiring, and it filled me with hope and joy, I could still recall that the public discussion was so encouraging! It gives me hope and joy.

I was assured of God's love which makes me feel safe and protected, my God always cares for me, and I recounted how he has always been there for me and saw me through all my life's challenges this gave me confidence and made me happy. I sang joyfully to God that day and after that, a representative prayed only on behalf of all. After the meeting, I decided to share my joy with my Christian sisters. These really boosted my positive energy and raised my vibration!


In September 2022, I attended my friend's first wedding anniversary and felt so happy for her., she survived her first year in the institution called marriage, and she overcame all that first year's challenges so it was worth celebrating 🥳. I feel good this day and I am optimistic about the future. These are a few friends who also attended the anniversary and they were happy for her too.

Being surrounded by people with good and positive vibes increases the frequency of my vibration, they are my good friends with good hearts, and spending some happy moments with them always adds to my joy.


This photo was taken in 2015 on the day of my final exams, it was a whole mix of emotions we were happy that we were done with our exams and school runs in general. The sleepless night, and early morning lectures will be paused for some time. But then we will miss our friends and colleagues, some of us may never meet again in this lifetime, we were filled with high hopes and expectations, of what the future awaits us, just too numerous to recount. These were my reading group members all of us passed with flying colours it was one of my happiest moments.

I believe in finding joy in little things and always vibrating at a high frequency. Gratitude is a must for me, and I hope you also choose happiness because it's a choice.

I would like my friends @vickydear @ninapenda and @lhorgic join this contest.

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Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Tu actitud y tu sonrisa muestran tu "buena vibra". Se nota que reunirte con tu grupo de amigas del cristianismo, después de haber dado a luz a tu bebé, fue motivo de dicha.

En efecto, todos debemos disfrutar el presente. Los otros tiempos no existen: el pasado se fue y el futuro aún no llega.

Acompañar a tu hermana en su festejo por su primer aniversario de casada fue genial. Significa que se ha escogido a la persona ideal para pasar la vida a su lado.

Como bien has dicho, los amigos con los que uno comparte los estudios nunca se han de olvidar. Ellos forman parte de una historia llena de vivencias.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por unirte a nuestro reto. Vuelve cuando gustes. Acá te recibiremos con los brazos abiertos. Saludos.

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Thank you so much for your wonderful commendations dear @solperez, this means a lot to me, I'm encouraged and I appreciate you 💕

Un abrazo. No te piedas de acá.

🫂 yes I won't leave and once again thank you so much for the warm welcoming.

Greetings Dear @goodybest
From finding solace and inspiration in religious gatherings to celebrating milestones with friends, each experience resonates with the joy of living fully. Embracing happiness as a choice and cherishing the small moments in life is truly uplifting. May your happy days be remembered forever. May your journey continue to be filled with love, laughter, and abundant blessings.

Thank you so much for visiting me today 😎 I appreciate your good wishes!

Hello @goodybest, how good your first Christian visit strengthened you spiritually and made you feel very happy.

It is good to celebrate each year of marriage because every year living as a couple is a challenge.

It's very good that you managed to graduate and take a break from student activities and as you mention, they are friends that we don't know if we will see again, we live in a world of uncertainty that we don't know the future will offer.

Thank you so much for the compliment I appreciate your amazing contribution @haidee

I really enjoyed going through your vibrating high moments.

I took this picture in October 2022 when I attended a Christian meeting for the first time after giving birth to my daughter.

Wow, attending a Christian meeting after giving birth must have been a deeply meaningful experience for you. I remember the first time I attended a gathering after a significant event in my life—it felt like a milestone, filled with hope and renewed energy.

Being surrounded by people with good and positive vibes increases the frequency of my vibration.

Surrounding yourself with positive people is key to maintaining a happy outlook on life. I've noticed that when I spend time with friends who uplift me, it really does boost my mood and overall well-being. It's like their positivity rubs off on me, making everything seem brighter.

All the best.

I spend time with friends who uplift me, it really does boost my mood and overall well-being. It's like their positivity rubs off on me, making everything seem brighter.

You killed it! This is exactly how I used to feel too. Hi @drqamu I appreciate your visit and meaningful contribution and commendations, what more can I say than thank you.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @shiftitamanna

Beautiful piece I must commend!! Went through each lines and I’m grateful for you taking out your time to share this with us.

Así mismo es querida , realmente nuestra felicidad no depende de las circunstancias, depende de la buena relación que tenemos con nuestro Dios Jehová.

Felicidades y éxitos en esta semana de concurso.

Un abrazo