Ladder of Success

in hive-108800 •  5 days ago  (edited)

[Honorable Mentions @inspiracion and @wakeupkitty]
In task 3, Let me publish and try once again. It might be of some use to me. In task 3 no new user can participate because the task 1 and 2 time has gone. But as per contest rule, I want to invite @rafk to participate in the art and writing contest, surely this can't be joining of writing course task 3 but, a participation.

I choose this photo

What I See, What I Feel
I felt like a step of courage and a great sense of dedication was instilled in me by looking at this painting.

What I see:

What I see and what I understand from this painting is that writing is loved as much as art works, cleaning is loved as much as writing. No matter how difficult it may be, one can continue to do one's work.
The chair and other things are arranged in order, but the plants that are close to the character, and some tiles that seem to stand out, are in sight. What are they reflecting in such a beautiful house?

Title:Ladder of Success

Short Story:

Finally I succeeded. I let out a shout of joy.
I was able to write a story after a long time. The kind of story I wanted to write was finally completed today.
I am a writer, and have been passionate about it since childhood. I try to always write something that is new and enjoyable. But this never happened.
Sometimes I get comments from people that I add extras to my story. Sometimes people initially give a good impression on my story and then later they turn their opinion against my story.
Well I succeeded in trying to write a story that I could satisfy everyone. In such a situation, I did not notice that the place where I was sitting and writing did not look like a place for a civilized person to live.
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Buen texto, en el que abordas el tema del proceso creativo. La tarea no está completa: Primero debes realizar un ejercicio descriptivo en el que debes enumerar lo que VES en la obra y luego a partir de lo que ves, debes decir lo que SIENTES. Ya la parte 3 está hecha, que es la narración. Puedes editar.


Wow! This person achieved something great, to please everyone with his story, not easy. The mess around him didn't affect his creation, or may be made him focus more in the product than in the ambience.

I wish you success

I am very much thankful for your interesting comment.


Try to say what you see. Example: I see a picture with a sun, clouds, an orange sky. Birds fly. I see water and land.

Thanks for joining.

In what I see section? Or in my whole writing?

Just about in the what I see section. If after you mentioned what you see and next what you feel your text is about soup that's fine with me...

I can tell you an anecdote about why I mention soup It's because of a cartoon I saw years ago where a group of smurfs get lost in the mist. The smurf (cook/one who likes food) said as they were lost: This mist is as thick as soup. So if I see mist or something foggy it reminds me of this scene... the first picture isn't clear if it comes to the water in the background and the land.. so in my mind I see those little smurfs walk around trying to find their way...

Good way of thinking