The last time you cried.
I thought when I grew up, I wouldn't get to cry again like a baby, besides mourning the death. The last time that I cried was last week Friday for my health. I wasn't myself I was beaten by sickness typhoid which made me cry.
The reason for my crying was that I got scared that I was losing myself since I couldn't eat, nor feel strong enough to work, and thinking how close my final year examination was around the corner, I couldn't hold myself from crying for the condition I was. I cried to the extent my parents had to invite me home for proper treatment which currently I am still receiving treatment.
The last time you were fired a goodbye
The last time I was fired a goodbye was the same last week Friday when I was about to leave my lodge for my parent's house in the village. My lodgemates and roommate shed tears for me, and wish me a fired goodbye and journey Mercy to my destination.
The last time you dreamed
The last time that I dreamed, was about 3 months ago which was a horrible dream that I dreamt. In the dreamer, I saw my roommate fighting with someone who at the end of the day was taken to a public station when I woke up from the dream.
Or the last time you had a nightmare
The last time that I had a nightmare was when I was still a child which was caused by the horrible movie that I watched before I went to sleep. I was so scared by the movie that I met my elder brother watching in the sitting room, and after watching the movie for a while I then went to bed and had a nightmare.
I am inviting: @ruthjoe, @dave-hanny, and @jasminemary