Curso Concurso |Corte y confección básica | Clase # 9

in hive-108800 •  6 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Everyone

This is @rumanaafroz, from Bangladesh.

Hello @lunasilver ma'am,

How are you? Surely you are healthy by the infinite mercy of the Creator.
Alhamdulillah I am fine too.
I am here today to be a part of a competition organized by ma'am. Today I am going to show the front part drawing of my native pattern blouse. I apologize in advance. In the first part I drew the measurements with CM which I feel a little uncomfortable with. I always cut the fabric in inches. So I am drawing the front part of the blouse as T inches.


I collected the first picture from the last post of the things I needed to draw this part.


Step 1

I once again cut a rectangle in the form of points A, B, C, D to draw the front part of the blouse.


Step 2

This step I cut the back part of the blouse with scissors.


Step 3

In this step, I will put the back part of the blouse on the rectangular room and mark it with 1 inch body and hanging and 1 inch more than the back part. Because if the shape is given, the fabric will decrease due to which I will take 1 inch more.





Step 4

In this step I will mark 1 inch from the putt or shoulder area.


Step 5

Mark another point 5 inches below the above marked place.


6th step

In this step I will again point 1 inch from the 5 inch mark on all four sides and mark it to shape the front part of the blouse.


7th step

Now according to the mark, I will cut the front neck by 1 inch more with scissors. I will cut.Now in the folds where I will stitch the shape, I pinned it.





I drew today according to my familiar formula. I hope you will like it. Wishing everyone a safe life.

I would like to invite
to participate in this competition.

Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Rumana Afroz

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amiga @rumanssftoz, un fuerte y caluroso abrazo desde mi Venezuela querida, gracias por su invitación.

Muy buenos pasos, muy detallados, de la blusa confeccionada.

Saludos cordiales y éxito.

Excelente realización de la tarea. Esperemos a las sugerencias u observaciones de la profesora.

Gracias por estar aquí. Saludos fraternos!

Yes sir I am waiting for comments from my class maam. Best wishes for you.

Gracias por ser parte de la Comunidad Venezolanos Steem, la Casa Grande para todos los Sueños Posibles. Tu publicación ha sido Seleccionada para el Programa de Soporte a las Comunidades de las cuentas Booming. ¡Felicitaciones!

¡Juntos somos más!

Eres lo mejor de lo mejor. Recuerda cumplir con las condiciones de las etiquetas steemexclusive y club5050.

Thank you so much for the support.

Es estupendo ver otra forma de hacer las cosas. Creo que este modo de marcar las pinzas crea una bella forma para realizar la figura femenina.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Estaremos atentas para la siguiente clase como avanza la creación de la blusa.

