Black rooster

in hive-108800 •  2 months ago 

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Noah was a selfish and greedy man. To him, there was no one more important than himself. His greatest love was wealth. Money, gold, jewelry—any material possessions of value were his idols. Despite his fortune, Noah constantly craved more at any cost.

One day, he decided to visit a well-known witch in the area. The journey required many sacrifices, as the witch’s house was deep within a dense forest. When he finally arrived, he saw a small, crumbling wooden hut. He shuddered at the thought that anyone could live in such filth and disorder.

Before he could knock, the door swung open with force.
“What do you want?” asked an old, short woman.
“I want more money,” he demanded. “Make it so that I have it.”
“You’re already wealthy enough, fool,” she replied.
“I want to become the very symbol of wealth. I want there to be nothing I can’t buy.”

The witch immediately understood the kind of man she was dealing with and decided to toy with his fate. She grabbed a chicken that had wandered into the hut and squeezed it. The chicken laid an egg, which the woman handed to Noah.

“Take care of this egg, for in a few days, a white rooster will hatch from it, and it will bring you fortune.”

Noah run out of the hut without saying a word. The witch smirked mockingly. She knew that with a man like him, nothing good would come from that egg.

Noah eagerly awaited the hatching, and when the moment finally came, he was stunned. There was no white rooster as the witch had promised, but instead a black one, staring at him with a cold, stoic gaze.

From that moment on, all of Noah’s ventures began to fail. Over time, he lost his entire fortune and started raising poultry, which he sold at the market in exchange for bread.

Noah learned humility and began to find joy in things other than material wealth. His greed had cost him everything he once had, but it taught him what truly held value in life.

Invitations to @soleicorazon2006 @javiermb2007

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Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Amiga, en efecto, la avaricia es un pecado capital; y la bruja le dio una lección a Noé, pues si se hubiese conformado con todo lo que tenía económicamente, nunca hubiese vivido en la ruina. Aunque, a decir verdad, salió ganando, ya que aprendió el valor que tiene la vida y la grandiosidad de ser humilde.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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