Warm greetings to amazing members of this community it is my pleasure to joining this context today children and responsibilities at home it is true that we all have different views about setting matters going by what @genomil read in the news I see no reason why a child of 14 will even imagine of taking her own life and leaving a note for her parents claiming that she was treated like a maid in the house. Did she expect her parents to be the ones doing the house chores? Did she expect her parents to be providing and at the same time do domestic work that she is supposed to do. To me maybe there was another reason she took her life who knows. At this juncture I would love to invite @nsijoro, @khayjhay and @toflex to join in this contest.
Do you think it is right to give children responsibilities at home?
Yes definitely I think it is right to give your children responsibilities at home because it is a valuable way of giving a child proper upbringing,assigning tasks to them contribute to their character building development and as a matter of fact preparation for adulthood the advantages and benefits of giving children responsibilities cannot be overemphasized assigning tasks to them help them develop an independent lifestyle which they can survive on their own anyway they may find themselves, it will foster accountability and as well promote teamwork and collaboration among members of the family.
How do you think events like these impact child rearing?
Assigning responsibilities to children will help reinforce them to have a good perspective about work ethics it will also help them adapt to changing circumstances and develop flexibility anyway they are. I remember when I was boarding in secondary school I did not have problem because my parents gave me a model kind of behavior they expected me from me, giving me a proper home training and having a proper view of work.
In conclusion assigning responsibilities to children at home is important and it does not need to be overemphasized because it is beating names for their development character building and preparation for adults by introducing tasks to them at a very young age, making it fun by including rewards and praising their efforts in completing tasks parents will help to have a proper view of work and be responsible individuals to the society.