Art explained by a writer  - Evil Mothers - A Story

in hive-108800 •  last year  (edited)

The Bad Mothers
Evil Mothers
Le cattive madri
die Böse Mütter
Las malas madres

Do paintings like these exist about fathers?

Art review EN(2).jpg

What's this, I wanted to know, a book with pictures of a museum are you going to invite me on a date?

Very funny, I show you a picture and you tell me what you see. Let's start.

Why should I tell you, do you need a pair of new glasses yours look ancient. Don't I pay you enough to keep your eyes checked it's for free at 'Pearl' or 'Hans Anders' but don't go to 'Hans' in my village because there's a very moody lady who should practice kindness to clients... Now I think about it you should pay her a visit and show your talent or whatever it is you are doing.

You talk a lot.

No, I don't, you are the only one I speak to once a month.

Then tell me what you see in this picture.

A tree and a lady... it's not very clear perhaps I need an eye check too?

She showed me more trees, trees with women and women with trees. A part of those trees looked rather dead to me so it's clear why women with green fingers were around hugging them.

I didn't know tree-huggers existed back then. I hope it worked the tree-hugging I mean, my cherry tree doesn't feel well and I...

Please, do as I tell you and just describe what you see.

The lady in front of me looked annoyed. It was clear she wanted something from me, most likely to say what she had in mind. Unfortunately, I am not a mind reader.

I think you spoiled some coffee or black tea, I said as she showed me the next picture.

How does it make you feel?

You spoiling your coffee? Why should I care, I don't drink it, and as long as I don't need to clean up the mess you made...

Aha, that is exactly what I mean. The main problem of you as a human being and most of all of being a mother, an angry mother!

She gulped her coffee down her throat and enthusiastically made some notes. Without knowing I seemed to have brightened her day or at least our session.

Cheerfully, she held another picture in front of my face. What is your opinion about this one?


Le cattive madri - Giovanni Segantini (1894)

Did you just buy it? I don't think it fits to this room way too much white and the ladies all walk around half-naked. Are you sure this is original, old since it has a lot in common with those weird pictures AI generates?

It's called 'The Bad Mothers' or 'The Evil Mothers'...

There's a huge difference between bad and evil and if you ask me it's a joke. Look at the colours of the clothes these women look more like angels, abused angels or... Look at that row of women on the left they all had it and no matter the circumstances they leave. White stands for pureness meaning this is their brand-new start. No one will tell them what to do, how to force them to be the perfect bride and mother.

But they are evil.


Yes, it's what the painter wanted to make clear. This is his way of showing it to the world. There's something wrong with your way of thinking, your mental state.

Thank you doctor at least we agree about that.

Don't you see your mother in this picture?

I studied the face of the puzzled shrink breaking my brains about what she liked to hear. At times it's so exhausting to please people just to give them a good feeling about themselves.

Look again!

Her usually kind voice had a certain undertone I recognized from a lifetime ago...

No. My mother was blond, at least I think she was but has nothing in common with these ladies. I can't help I don't see what you want me to see all I can say is that this painting reflects the mind of a, to my opinion, troubled artist. You out of all should recognize that. Please, stop the Freudian nonsense and listen to yourself for a change. At least this painter with an identity crisis did something with his disturbing feelings. It must be hard to be called an Italian-Austrian-Hungarian, he sounds more Austrian to me than Italian.

What do you mean?

Is that woman strapped to the tree, is it a corpse or a choked soul? A soul I guess since they are pure and can float.

The ugly head sucking the soul's breast I didn't mention. Can be it is a baby or the face, and dirty dream, of an old man. In this case, a sick painter who feels neglected by his young wife.

She hadn't spoken a word, took the picture away from me and rested it on her knees. Five more minutes for this session to be over. Enough talking for a month. I waited in silence till it was time to leave. As I stood up and walked to the door she stopped me.

A lonely tear fell on her cheek as she said: you are right, these aren't evil women but souls fighting to be recognized, pure souls, white sheets without prejudice. They are like freshly fallen snow, not ice cold but willing to make sacrifices, leaving the world behind and turning back to Mother Nature the essence of life.

She hugged me and automatically I wrapped my arms around the poor Austrian doctor. While patting her back in an attempt to comfort her (I noticed that gesture in K-drama and adopted it) I looked at the clock on the wall behind her back. I had no idea what she was talking about but at least she didn't turn out to be the next crazy Freud with mother issues, and gave up on trying to rule my world.


@aminasafdar @shohana1 @abdulmomin @frafiomatale @huraira50 @yaladeeds @ibesso @sbamsoneu @blessedlife @rokhani @pousinha @saintkelvin17 @virajherath

Photo: public domain 
Painting: oil on canvas
Host contest: Art & Writing - @solperez 
I'm a mobile phone user only 

#steemexclusive #creativewriting #art-review #club5050 #kittywu #therapist #holland

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Well it's about people's mind and not the paintings. They take it what they have inside them. Some take it literally while others dive deep and look for a deeper meaning.

Different minds purpose different ideas, and i think that's beautiful.

I remember once an old friend of mine said: poet and artists make their art when they are high, high on alcohol maybe or in their wildest imagination.

P.S: Do you watch kdramas?

I agree with you an artists creates his/her feelings. Therefore an art critic is useless to me. The beauty of art is in the eye of the beholder and it's not interesting what someone says it should mean.

Once a painter in an interview said: I have no idea what those critics talk about, I didn't think so deep I just did something.

I watch Korean films and kdrama too. You?

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I too watch kdramas sometime, not excessively.
My last favourite watch was king, the eternal monarch
What about you?


Thank you for mention me here Best of luck for Contest you see my entry here very soon
Best if luck for all participants

Super. Keep an eye on the deadline and use #art-review

You can also post in @freewritehouse.
If use #comment and #freewrite if you like.

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I check this but please guide me complete about this phenomena thanks in advance

No problem. I just told you what to do.
Do not care if you forgot something or don't win. By writing you are promoting yourself. Let your name be seen all all over Steemit. This contest does not have many rules no minimum of words either. See it as a practice just like freewriting.

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P.s. You are free to pick your own title so do that!

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How i participate in this contest and guve me details about rewards Distribution method

@solperez hosts a weekly contest. There are 3 paintings and you choose one.

Join the community and write about the painting whatever you like. I use #art-review and #steemexclusive

It's up to you what you like. You can also post in a different community if the contest is over. That is why I posted as a #freewrite once. It's not said you will not receive upvotes. The chance of upvotes is bigger than the chance to win especially if many join.

You can try the story-chain too. It's writing 50 words in a commentline to continue a story. I find it more rewarding.


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In which community i write the content describe me

Where you want but @venezolanos is hosting it. A new contest started but you can use the earlier one too. Last week I was late so I posted in @freewritehouse

I feel hurdle to understand to this phenomena thanks

Gracias por la mención, una participacion muy buena! Suerte con el concurso!

Thank you. Perhaps you like to write an # art-review too?

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I'm not an art expert, but if time permits I will try to participate!

The idea is you are not an expert. In this contest you choose one painting to write about. If it means nothing to you it's fine to say, there's no need to copy the wordsbof an art critc. See the painting as an AI-generated picture.

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Freud was the father of psychoanalysis...😄😄😄😄

He was not the only one, perhaps we should ask ourselves why he is praised into heaven.

But he had mother issues, was raised by the 'housekeeper' and hardly saw her.
I assume a good talk would have helped him and his ideas are for sure based on his own experiences mixed with feelings. His stages of the development of humans are all based on sex. What does this say about him?

His ideas might fit many shrinks well even though they hardly listen let alone hear what is said and he can't be called a ladies' friend. Isn't it strange that with all the knowledge gathered since than nothing has changed?
Incest, sexual abuse is ignored if recognized at all. 🤔

During those times, all high-middle class (and above) children were raised by housekeepers and teachers. Maybe Freud suffered the absence of his mother more than his mates🤔

I've been raised by housekeepers and maids. Without them, especially the last one an elderly lady, I would have been dead by now. I was glad and less afraid without my mother being around. I never understood how someone so bad inside can fool men.

Freud might have idealized his mother, the one who did not feel or could spend much time with him. It's hard to tell or foresay if and how much it affects us. For sure the attitude of/judgement by society against absent mothers plays a huge role in how we feel and if we are able to see the real person not the one we like to see.

Freud labelled people, because of loss not only women but men as well both based on his own life experiences. My guess is sexual abuse is part of it. If it was a loss? I think you cannot miss what you never had.

The painter on the other hand expressed his averse to women. To him they are all the same, painted in the same way, not worthy.
This painting reminds me of a boomk... The story is in the future.. Women treated like trash, without names, rights and good to breed children and die or work in the colony and die.


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It looks like Freud follows as condicio sine qua non to become experimented psychoanalysts. I have studies Freud since my Teacher Training High School and until now as my postgrad is scholar psychology. Then comes Melanie Klein too, Piaget (the main for teachers and scholar psychologists, my favourite), Vigotsky, to name the principal.

At first I ignored the picture you displayed thinking it was just a tree and some stuff that look like a tornado wind close to it… after reading the description of the doctor’s patient of which I thought was just saying all those stuffs just to get away from the doctors office…. I had to go and take a thorough look at the picture again the second time, was surprised to see a lady’s face…

I’m now wondering, it seems i really need a doctor to check on my eyes…😊

The first time I saw it I thought: weird tree. I searched the internet for a bigger photo and zoomed in...there's a lady in a strange position and a head over her right shoulder.

If you look at the left you see a group of women walk. I use my phone csn be those with a computer see more than I do.

Instead of an eye check a big screen might help too 🤣

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Este es un texto complejo, la obra en sí da para muchos pensamientos diversos, aunque el título es muy sugerente y las variaciones en él le agregan más misterio.

Las madres somos seres que intentamos hacer lo nuestro sin haber sido formadas para ello ni tener manual. Sin embargo, está demostrado que hay vicios este rol que acarrean secuelas o al menos dejan marcas en los hijos.

Las caricias en la espalda son un gesto especialmente consolador, (dicho por un coach que sigo) más en forma de masaje hacia abajo que de palmaditas, las palmaditas me parecen chocantes a veces.

If it comes to the title it's unclear to me what the right one is. In English there are two different ones, in German it's 'angry'.

If it comes to 'bad' I wonder who says these women are baf. Are these men who can't stand they do not get 100% attdntion, are they jealous of the baby, the woman at the three seems to have one.

Since there's a long row if women at the right this painter seems to have issues and it feels as if to him all women are the same.

I do not agree with your coach.
The therapist isn't patted out of the blue. She held tje client and the client embraced her. At that moment there is contact, comfort and the 'petting' in kdrama's is not different from what we do if holding a baby.

Reiki does the same..first you connect, after some time the 'healing, starts

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P.s. Which kind of back patting is shocking to you? Did you see how they do it in korean films?

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Hay una especie de palmadita que indica menosprecio, condescendencia

The same counts for hugs, kisses, people standing in your aura and handshakes 😕

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Yes, and You can sense if it's sincere or not

La verdad no veo series coreanas 😐

If I ever see how they do it on youtube I leave the link to you.

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Ok, it'll be interesting, every culture is different.

Noté que había un bebe gracias a tu post. Si el bebé es el pintor, la fila de mujeres pueden ser figuras que quiso como su figura materna, quizás para sustituir su ausencia

You can describe the painting and make a story behind. I read it yesterday and it stimulate me to mak a post too. Hereby my post

I have a look as soon as possible. Super you did. 🍀❤️

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Thank you so much. I think Your idea is work.

I can't find the right words to describe how amazing your speech was. Using art in therapy to challenge such personal issues, such as Segantini's paintings of slightly less angelic mothers, has left me... well, let's say that I find feminism enlightening, in the sense that finally someone has turned on the light in the basement of our social conventions.

We talk about motherhood, expectations, labels as tight as period corsets and the recognition of women's daily challenges, both in the family and in society. All this makes me reflect on how we are still chained to dogmas with roots as deep as the trees in those paintings, which seem to prevent female figures from taking flight.

And then there is the therapist, who with all her human frailty, manages to do what no superhero has ever done: break these dogmas with the subtle strength of those who know how to listen. Yes, because sometimes an “Ah, I understand” is really enough to bring down centuries-old walls. Who would have thought that the kryptonite of prejudice was simply a little humanity? And so, in an ending worthy of a Bong Joon-ho film, we discover that weakness, sometimes, has more strength than a thousand speeches.🫣

I had a religion teacher who thought it was a great idea to let student choose one out of the pictures he placed on the floor. The idea was to take one that spoke to you. Well none ever did, can be it was because I was never the first plus he pushed us to decide within a minute.

This contest does a better job. We have time to think and study it. Once I come to writing I always take another one as planned. This time too many picked the one with the angel.

I don't consider myself a feminist justban independent woman but I am fine with man delivering babies but if in a natural way, no c-section and all the luxury and pampering, no 10 days in bed but immediately at work, preferable without moodswings and all the drama. 😉

The average client will not buy 'i understand' but it makes a huge difference if the therapist says: i try to understand you or 'I can imagine that hurts' what is wanted most is to know you are heard. No doodling therapist watching the clock. The knowledge that someone gets paid to sit in a room with you is already bad enough.

I don't think the opinions stereotypes about gender will ever change. Some try hard thesebdays but the harder you try the more people turn their back on you. Inalways wonder why some say they wanted be treated like everyone else (as if that's a great example) but in the meantime they behave abnormal. You can't have it both.

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Thank you for the nomination. 🍀❤️

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