Art explained by a writer - Stormy Night At Sea - Romanticism

in hive-108800 •  11 months ago  (edited)

Och! wat spookt het naar van nacht,
't Is zoo rouw, zoo bar, zoo donker;
Schipper! schipper! geef toch acht,
Gij mist maan- en stargeflonker;
Vreeslijk steekt de stormwind op,
't Schip kraakt luid van bodem tot top
't Noodweer scheurt het zeil aan flarden,
Al de gronden die gij peilt
Roepen U dat gij verzeilt
En gij 't langer niet kunt harden;
Spreek, in Gods naam! hoe het staat,
En of 't op of ondergaat.
R.H. van Someren

Art review EN.jpg

Fishermen, stupid farmers, each one of those Dutchmen is, thought Governor General James Loudon, and rubbed his hands, it was easy to spread a rumour. Before they would start question, the sails would be hoisted and the ship would set sail for Aceh. He had thought everything out down to the smallest detail, as befits a good strategist.

Köhler didn't feel like it. He was married and wanted to spend time with his family. He did not trust Loudon who even called the council together and asked the king to appear at the council's table. He carried out with a heavy heart. He didn't believe the gossip, the bad stories about double-dealing, theft and betrayal. Breaking the treaty.

They had a long journey ahead.
Hardships, shortage of food and drink.
No fresh fruit.
What was left to eat was rotting.
Biscuit started to mold.
The water tasted rancid.

A cheerful sound of laughter from the captain's cabin. The merchants prospered. They don't have to worry about the ship.
There had been no sight of land for months.
It was a hellish journey with nothing but headwind.
There was still no sign of the Cape of Good Hope.

Heavy weather ahead, the sailor in the crow's nest called out.
All hands on deck!
As if it wasn't hard enough already.
Those who were still able stood unsteadily on the tossing ship. Like blind men. The man on the lookout climbed out of the crow's nest with difficulty.

Storm at sea, in the middle of the night.
Hungry men, sick and weak fight to stay alive.
A life that doesn't have much to offer.
It is hunger and violence at home or hunger and violence at sea. Fatigue sets in and the buzz of adventure begins to fade.

And all this for someone else's pepper, a sailor roars into the wind. What good is pepper to a person if there is no bread crust to eat?

Another long night, when would it end?
Exhausted, the crew sat on deck when the wind finally died down.

The dreaded disease had broken out.
Was it scurvy or the plague, it was all the same.
Without healthy fruit, drinking water, most of the crew would die.
The merchants and elite did not worry as long as the ship remained intact and arrived in safe water.
All they heard was the calling of the harbour.


Stormy sea at night (1849) by Ivan Aivazovsky

The Eighty Years' War (1566–1648) was the fight of the 17 provinces (modern Netherlands, Belgium and part of Germany) against the Spanish (3) kings and their domination. After decades of struggle, Spain had to recognize the independence of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands in 1648

1566 - 1648: 80 years' war against Spain
1595 - first expedition to the Indies (Indonesia)

Köhler (born 1818 in Groningen) took part as a captain in 1856 in a punitive expedition to suppress insurgents in the Lampung District (Indonesia).
He was killed by a bullet while leading the First Aceh Expedition in 1873. The shooter is unknown.

Compagnie 'de Verre' (Amsterdam), one of the predecessors of the VOC, sent an expedition to the Indies. The fleet consisted of the ships 'Hollandia', 'Amsterdam', 'Mauritius' and 'Het Duyfken'
On April 2, 1595, the very first expedition fleet left the island of Texel (Netherlands) for the Indies (Indonesia).

R.H. van Someren wrote the poem: Zeereis met het schip Hollandia (Sea Voyage with the ship Hollandia), Kapitein Willem Willemszoon in het jaar der non-interventie (2nd edition 1931)


Contest hosted by @solperez

@aminasafdar @pousinha @elian23khan @sbamsoneu @el-nailul @fadthalib

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture: public domain 
Style of art: Romanticism
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Terima kasih anda sudah menggambarkan sejarah dalam bentuk tulisan fiksi yang sangat menarik untuk dibaca. Bagaimana sekelumit kisah pelayaran dengan berbagai persoalan yang menyertainya demi mencapai tanjung harapan. Walaupun masih ada pertanyaan tersisa, siapakah sniper yang menewaskan kohler?, biarlah dia menjadi misteri tersendiri dalam semangat perjuangan rakyat aceh. 🙏

Aku masih mencari sejarah. Mungkin saya akan menemukan jawabannya. Saya menemukan sebuah buklet tua yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak (sekolah?) dan menemukan teks yang mengejutkan. Pencucian otak adalah hal yang biasa, seperti halnya gosip dan berita palsu. Sepertinya Jenderal L berbohong dan memulai perang untuk membunuh dan menghancurkan. Dia telah disalahkan selama 2 atau 3 generasi keturunan, penelitiannya palsu, dia berbohong dan tidak disukai tetapi dia mengalihkan kesalahan kepada orang lain.
Pencarian dan kisah-kisahnya akan terus berlanjut. Terima kasih sudah mampir.

Saya telah meninggalkan tautannya dan mungkin Anda akan menemukan manfaatnya.

It is interesting because I saw the fact of colonialism in Aceh, until now the true story behind the scene is still uncertain. But, what was written by C. Snouck Hurgronje could be a reference to dig more.

On the Acehnese side led by Teunku Imum Lueng Bata fought more than 3000 colonial armies,

When Kohler died by a well-trained Acenese sniper on 14 April 1873 the information about "this sniper" is still unknown and it is weird to me because normally the man would be proudly promoted when the man can kill the enemy's General, it seems still a huge conspiration in this case.

There was a monument and inscription about the death of General Kohler in front of the Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh. Kohler was finally buried at Kerkhof Banda Aceh, where approximately 2,000 Dutch troops who died in the Aceh War were buried.

I wonder how much influence of colonialism there is if the Dutch where only there for 28 years (Ambon 337 years) back than Indonesia did not exist - info Indonesian historian Mochtar Lubis, according to thid historian the colony named 'Nederlands Oost-Indië' did only exist for 30-35 years. Any idea if he has more info?

How about the Portugese they were there at least 100 years before the England, Spain and "Holland" arrive.
Perhaps the English have more info?

By the way: Back then it wasn't the present Netherlands but the 17 provinces containing Belgium and a part of Germany as well fighting at the same time the Spanish conquerors in a war that lasted for nearly 80 years.

There are many unaswered questions and to find a bit more truth to reconstruct a part of the history filled with intrigues, lies, fake news... It al turns out to be the norm since humans exist (just read a history book about life in the 5th and 6th century).

I hope the 2nd hand shop is open tomorrow. They have old books, with some luck books with a different view.

I read Cornelis de Houtman had a bad temper (internet news) but an old history book says the opposite. I wonder if brother Fredrick has a hand in it.

I read about the graveyard in a newspaper article. We have one (if not more than one) here as well.

#comment @fadthalib

During colonialism, there was no peace at all, and the war was all over Acheh, but for Indoenasi itself they had been for years with peace even the colonialism was able to construct local troops that were loyal to the Netherlands.

What I can tell you about my experiences when I was on various first climbing expeditions to remote mountains, we always wondered about the paths they made to climb to the top and build pillars on mountain peaks in Aceh. I had some pictures, but I need to find their whereabouts, I will send you later once I find it

For the Portuguese, they only had war and war, without even touching the land.

The effect has been huge both for Indonesia and Aceh recently, one that I can tell you clearly is about the Civil War in Aceh between the Indonesian government and ASNLF (Atjeh Sumater National Liberation Front) that the ASNLF still claims that Aceh is not part of Indonesia because Aceh never surrender under the colonial government, likewise other part of Indonesia.

Most of the main roads, and bridges, from Banda Aceh to Medan North Sumatera were built to mobilize the troops from Medan to Aceh.

Before the war declaration between the Colonials and the Aceheers (the sultanate of Aceh which was subject to the Ottoman Caliphate in Türkiye) already had long had trade relations with Portugal, France, England, Spain, China, India, and the Netherlands.

In fact, the port of Batavia was liberated by the Acehnese royal fleet from Portugal and Spain at the request of the sultan of the Banten kingdom at that time (if I remember correctly from several books I have read before Tsunami, all those books I have gone by the Tsunami in 2004)

It surprises me that countries in war for many years still have the energy to sail for 5 months till over 2 year to arrive with 1/3 of the crew, sick and tired still fighting seabattles, next on land...
A road isn't built in a day.

Can it be a benefit if Aceh isn't accepted? Do we all need to live by western standards, their time schedules, ideas about right,wrong? It doesn't feel as if there are more 'benefits' to gather, if at all.

It's strange how info of over 1500 years us safed, people always been registrated but we can't find anything back about this.
There's a reason why they left out that much. Perhaps the simple reason is the contact with Aceh is not long enough and no one cared as much about De Houtman as they did about the group who sailed North?
Most likely they fought each other most of all. Knowing where they came from, what was asked from them.
After the 1st and 2nd exledition crew members stayed behind out of free will. They wanted to stay. I assume they have offspring.

Pity these books are lost.

There's one called Revolusi the author travelked around spoke to people and tried to find out more about history this way.
I'll see if he wrote more.

Sejarah selalu menyisakan banyak pertanyaan yang memang harus selalu dipertanyakan agar kita tidak mudah terjebak pada hoax. Semakin tua suatu catatan maka akan semakin dekat dengan bayangan masa lalu walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan itu subjektivitas dari penulis. Setidaknya kita sudah dekat dengan bayangan tersebut.

Bahwa dalam penulisan sejarah tentunya penuh dengan intrik sehingga kita terkadang larut dalam cerita dongeng tanpa ada bukti ilmiah yang menyertainya. Saya pikir kerajaan belanda sangat rapi dalam menyimpan arsip masa lalu?

Bagaimana jika logikanya dibalik, seperti intelijen yang bekerja tanpa harus memproklamirkan bahwa dirinya seorang intel. Akan berbeda dengan intel di negara wakanda tentunya.

Begitu juga dengan sniper yang bekerja dalam senyap dengan memilih posisi tersembunyi agar tidak bisa dibaca lawan dan kawan. Kita semua tau penyebab kekalahan dalam peperangan itu faktor terbesarnya dari pengkhianatan. Dan semua itu pasti informasi intelijen yang berhasil disusupi lawan.

Tembok cina saja yang tidak bisa ditembus oleh tentara mongol akhirnya bisa dibuka dengan santunnya oleh penjaga gerbang. Demikian hebatnya siasat perang.

Apalagi kerajaan aceh sejak putra mahkota sultan Iskandar Muda di pancung dengan berbagai dalil hukum yang ditetapkan, bagi saya itu tetap konspirasi terbesar dalam sejarah aceh. Konspirasi hal yang biasa dalam meruntuhkan suatu dinasti.

It remembers me a story told in a Portuguese song when I was at the end of the primary.

If you can find that story/song back please, let me know. The Portugese 'reigned' there for about 100 years (?) before the Dutch arrived. They joined Spain the surpressor of the 17 provinces which did not make the situation better I guess.


It's the song Romance da Nau Catarineta from Antonio Nóbrega. You find the complete song here:

Thank you so much. I'll study it. My day in the library yesterday didn't bring me much news except for one Portugese name and the name of an Indonesian historian.


Probably because there's some ancient Portuguese or the language is poorly spread (Portuguese is not well known as Spanish and French). You can search, in any way, by the author's name, Antonio Nóbrega.

At that time the Portugese joined Spain and fought us (Belgium, the Netherlands and part of Germany) although the borders were not closed and they still traded. Can be it was just another Spanish or more likely hid the true, a part of the dark side of their history. 🤔

Well, the empty spots in the story can be guessed.
I liked the text of the song.
