Weekly curation report of @heroism ( 12.11.2024-18.11.2024 )
Greetings on behalf of @heroism
Hope everybody is well. Today I am going to share with you the weekly curation report by our @heroism. "Heroism" is one of our most powerful projects. We will take the @heroism project to the pinnacle of development, with everyone's cooperation we are already moving forward fast. Hopefully everyone will stand by us and cooperate to move us forward.
✔Now I am presenting to you the weekly curation report date by date ---
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 59 posts from @heroism on 12.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 47 posts from @heroism on 13.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 42 posts from @heroism on 14.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
♠Serial No♠ | ♠User id♠ | ♠Posts Link♠ | Voting % |
1 | @jungch98 | Link | 2.26% |
2 | @narocky71 | Link | 24.11% |
3 | @nevlu123 | Link | 22.99% |
4 | @tasonya | Link | 24.38% |
5 | @bristy1 | Link | 22.99% |
6 | @monira999 | Link | 5.85% |
7 | @hafizullah | Link | 99.07% |
8 | @nusuranur | Link | 23% |
9 | @aongkon | Link | 5.74% |
10 | @okalok | Link | 5.77% |
11 | @wahidasuma | Link | 11.64% |
12 | @mohinahmed | Link | 3.55% |
13 | @alsarzilsiam | Link | 12.43% |
14 | @joniprins | Link | 10.75% |
15 | @rayhan111 | Link | 2.3% |
16 | @saymaakter | Link | 12.94% |
17 | @moh.arif | Link | 85.45% |
18 | @emon42 | Link | 11.97% |
19 | @shuvo35 | Link | 37.53% |
20 | @rex-sumon | Link | 100% |
21 | @rme | Link | 100% |
22 | @rahimakhatun | Link | 12.25% |
23 | @bdwomen | Link | 11.84% |
24 | @parul19 | Link | 3.55% |
25 | @tuhin002 | Link | 3% |
26 | @shimulakter | Link | 11.9% |
27 | @ah-agim | Link | 5.93% |
28 | @kingporos | Link | 80.84% |
29 | @razuahmed | Link | 3.86% |
30 | @alif111 | Link | 2.3% |
31 | @isratmim | Link | 12.52% |
32 | @selina75 | Link | 11.57% |
33 | @hiramoni | Link | 11.78% |
34 | @green015 | Link | 11.52% |
35 | @tanjima | Link | 7.26% |
36 | @sabbirakib | Link | 5.76% |
37 | @blacks | Link | 95.21% |
38 | @swagata21 | Link | 6.02% |
39 | @maksudakawsar | Link | 11.79% |
40 | @winkles | Link | 7.5% |
41 | @tania69 | Link | 17.28% |
42 | @tangera | Link | 34.75% |
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 50 posts from @heroism on 15.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 55 posts from @heroism on 16.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 46 posts from @heroism on 17.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
♠Serial No♠ | ♠User id♠ | ♠Posts Link♠ | Voting % |
1 | @narocky71 | Link | 24.15% |
2 | @nusuranur | Link | 23.02% |
3 | @nevlu123 | Link | 23.02% |
4 | @bdwomen | Link | 11.86% |
5 | @tasonya | Link | 24.41% |
6 | @hafizullah | Link | 99.21% |
7 | @bristy1 | Link | 23.02% |
8 | @mohinahmed | Link | 3.55% |
9 | @moh.arif | Link | 85.54% |
10 | @jungch98 | Link | 2.27% |
11 | @ah-agim | Link | 5.92% |
12 | @shuvo35 | Link | 37.59% |
13 | @emon42 | Link | 11.98% |
14 | @rme | Link | 100% |
15 | @rme | Link | 100% |
16 | @aongkon | Link | 5.76% |
17 | @rme | Link | 100% |
18 | @okalok | Link | 5.77% |
19 | @monira999 | Link | 5.85% |
20 | @parul19 | Link | 3.55% |
21 | @rituamin | Link | 3.66% |
22 | @hiramoni | Link | 11.76% |
23 | @joniprins | Link | 10.77% |
24 | @selina75 | Link | 11.55% |
25 | @isratmim | Link | 12.51% |
26 | @rayhan111 | Link | 2.3% |
27 | @saymaakter | Link | 12.96% |
28 | @alif111 | Link | 2.31% |
29 | @tuhin002 | Link | 3% |
30 | @shimulakter | Link | 11.9% |
31 | @kingporos | Link | 80.77% |
32 | @alsarzilsiam | Link | 12.44% |
33 | @rex-sumon | Link | 100% |
34 | @fasoniya | Link | 11.51% |
35 | @engrsayful | Link | 5.81% |
36 | @rahimakhatun | Link | 12.28% |
37 | @swagata21 | Link | 6.01% |
38 | @wahidasuma | Link | 11.65% |
39 | @maksudakawsar | Link | 11.77% |
40 | @blacks | Link | 95.18% |
41 | @sabbirakib | Link | 5.75% |
42 | @sabbirakib | Link | 5.75% |
43 | @winkles | Link | 7.51% |
44 | @green015 | Link | 11.51% |
45 | @tangera | Link | 34.72% |
46 | @tania69 | Link | 17.27% |
➤Curation has been completed in a total of 43 posts from @heroism on 18.11.2024 Below is a list of his--
♠Serial No♠ | ♠User id♠ | ♠Posts Link♠ | Voting % |
1 | @nusuranur | Link | 23.03% |
2 | @jungch98 | Link | 2.26% |
3 | @ah-agim | Link | 5.92% |
4 | @narocky71 | Link | 24.14% |
5 | @tasonya | Link | 24.4% |
6 | @nevlu123 | Link | 23.01% |
7 | @tanjima | Link | 7.25% |
8 | @hafizullah | Link | 99.17% |
9 | @saymaakter | Link | 12.95% |
10 | @bristy1 | Link | 23.01% |
11 | @moh.arif | Link | 85.53% |
12 | @maksudakawsar | Link | 11.77% |
13 | @rayhan111 | Link | 2.3% |
14 | @aongkon | Link | 5.76% |
15 | @okalok | Link | 5.77% |
16 | @shuvo35 | Link | 37.57% |
17 | @emon42 | Link | 11.98% |
18 | @monira999 | Link | 5.85% |
19 | @rme | Link | 100% |
20 | @labib2000 | Link | 5.93% |
21 | @bdwomen | Link | 11.85% |
22 | @rayhan111 | Link | 2.31% |
23 | @parul19 | Link | 3.55% |
24 | @mohinahmed | Link | 3.55% |
25 | @tuhin002 | Link | 3% |
26 | @shimulakter | Link | 11.9% |
27 | @isratmim | Link | 12.5% |
28 | @bristychaki | Link | 3.76% |
29 | @alsarzilsiam | Link | 12.44% |
30 | @fasoniya | Link | 11.5% |
31 | @rex-sumon | Link | 100% |
32 | @joniprins | Link | 10.77% |
33 | @engrsayful | Link | 5.8% |
34 | @selina75 | Link | 11.55% |
35 | @kingporos | Link | 80.73% |
36 | @hiramoni | Link | 11.76% |
37 | @alif111 | Link | 2.3% |
38 | @alif111 | Link | 2.3% |
39 | @alif111 | Link | 2.3% |
40 | @alif111 | Link | 2.31% |
41 | @winkles | Link | 7.5% |
42 | @tangera | Link | 34.71% |
43 | @tania69 | Link | 17.26% |
This is the list of curation reports by @heroism for this week ( 12.11.2024-18.11.2024 ). The curation report will be updated again next week, until then everyone will be by our side.
250 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 2000 SP | 5000 SP |