Extreme solar storms 9,200 years ago.

Analysis of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica by a research team led by Lund University in Sweden found evidence of an extreme solar storm that occurred about 9,200 years ago.

Obviously the sun is necessary for life on earth but it can also cause problems, when there is strong activity on the surface of the sun more energy is released which can lead to geomagnetic storms or solar storms this in turn can cause power outages and problems in communications and in general to damage all our technology based on space satellites.

Predicting solar storms is therefore something necessary for our technology-dependent civilization, but it is difficult. It is currently believed that solar storms are more likely during the active phase of the sun or solar maximum, which is when more sunspots are produced, in a cycle which lasts about 11 years.

Well, as I said studying the ice cores of Greenland and Antarctica, in fact what they were looking for in those ice cores were peaks of radioactive isotopes of beryllium 10 and chlorine 36, these isotopes are produced by high-energy cosmic particles that reach the earth and that can be preserved in ice and in sediments.
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