Hibernation for star travel.

As we look to the stars and imagine a future in which humanity explores distant solar systems, an obstacle challenges us. How to endure journeys that could last decades or even centuries? The answer could be hidden in the fascinating world of hibernation.

Scientists focused on erythrocytes, a specific type of red blood cell responsible for transporting oxygen around the body during hibernation. These animals face body temperatures that drop drastically, sometimes to values close to 10 degrees. The big question was, how do these cells adapt to such extreme conditions? The results were surprising.

What does this mean for future interstellar missions? Well, hibernation remains a distant goal, but understanding how bats regulate their metabolism in the cold could be the first step in recreating these conditions in humans. However, immediate practical applications could be revolutionary in medicine; procedures such as deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, which already uses reduced temperatures to perform complex surgeries, could benefit from this research.
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