It all starts with a curiosity; Google's quantum chip.
Google has presented Willow, a chip that can bring quantum computing, finally, one of the most surprising achievements of Willow is its ability to execute tasks in a very short time, they literally say that in 5 minutes it can surpass and do tasks of more advanced classic supercomputers. which would take them 10,000 trillion years, a beast, far exceeding the age of the universe.
Classical computing, which we use in our mobile phones, cell phones, computers, etc., uses bits that can have a value of zero or one while quantum computing uses qubits that can have a value between 0 and 1 or both simultaneously, if you have two. classic bits you can represent four combinations 00 01 10 and 11, but you can only process them sequentially, however with two bytes you can represent those same four combinations at the same time at the same time and also each qubit added to the system doubles the possibilities.
The images without reference were created with AI
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