It once again tests Albert Einstein's theory of gravity.

in hive-109160 •  3 months ago 

It once again tests Albert Einstein's theory of gravity.

They have put it to the test again and also the greatest test of the universe, it is the greatest test to which they have subjected Einstein's theories, specifically that of gravity, for this they have created the largest map of the universe in history with 6 million galaxies over 11 billion years, we know that there are many more galaxies, there are not only 6 million, but these 6 million on this map are therefore recorded the distance, the size, a lot of data with this has been possible create this map in detail for precisely study and test the subject of gravity from Einstein's theory of gravity.

It turns out that the shape of these 6 million galaxies grouped together over these 11 billion years coincides with what Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts, so Einstein passes the test and it is a very important study published on November 20.

This study is very important because there were theories that tried to overcome it or improve it or knock it down directly. To do this study they used the DESI, which is an observatory located on the top of a mountain in Arizona in the United States and the result validates the main model. of Einstein's universe and limits possible alternative theories such as modified gravity.

This modified theory of gravity has been proposed to explain the accelerated expansion that we are observing in our universe. The modified theory of gravity for simplicity means that gravity acts not as Einstein said, but rather that it acts in a different way, at different rates. scales and in different parts of the universe and with this it was fitting to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe.

What is the accelerated expansion of the universe, it is one of the craziest things we have discovered lately, we know that the Universe expands since well we have known that for almost 100 years when George Lemaitre proposed that the origin of the universe was a singularity at which we call the Big Bang, although he called it the primordial atom hypothesis or he also called it, by the way, my favorite cosmic egg.

Then in 1929 Edwin Hubble confirmed from the Analysis of the redshift of galaxies that they were expanding, moving away from each other, thus confirming the expansion of the universe, because when a star or galaxy moves away from us, we detect a spectrum has a normal shift towards red, Hubble saw that the further away a galaxy was, the greater the shift.

It was believed that although the universe was expanding caused by the Big Bang as if it were an explosion, although it is not really an explosion, but we can imagine it in our heads as an explosion, this expansion had an increasingly slower pace due to the effect of the mutual gravitational attraction between distant Galaxies and the rest of the matter in the universe, that is, applying the Popular saying that everything that rises falls would reach a point at which the expansion would stop, gravity would win the battle and the universe would refocus to possibly rebound in a new Big Bang.

This would fit, for example, with the theory of the Big Rebound, where our universe would undergo cycles of expansion - contraction and the Big Bang would simply be in a rebound phase where the universe once compressed rebounds and expands again, and in each expansion it gives rise to to a new universe where perhaps the laws or physical constants vary a little with respect to the previous universe, in a rebound process that could be completely infinite.

That's how we were until in 1998 the universe slapped us with reality and showed us that reality can always be even stranger than we thought. That year it was discovered that the universe is not only expanding but is accelerating its expansion and Something even more strange was discovered that acceleration has not occurred since the beginning of the universe, for some unknown reason there was a start of acceleration that occurred only about 5 billion years ago, I mean only 5 billion years ago the universe was already adult.

We can understand that in the juvenile universe or the primitive universe strange things could happen, but 5 billion years ago the universe was already adult, there were already galaxies as we know them, stars were forming with planets and for example it was almost the time when the one in which the Sun was born, the Sun was born ago and the solar system was born about 4.6 billion years ago just at that time when the expansion of the universe began to accelerate and we do not know why.

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