Scientific curiosities, Atmospheric phenomena.

in hive-109160 •  3 months ago 

Scientific curiosities, Atmospheric phenomena.

Hurricane Berry has risen in category to level four, from the international space station, the images are accelerated by five because otherwise it would be a bit long.

It is a huge hurricane, it has reached category 4 with winds of 250 km per hour and on Tuesday this hurricane was moving towards the island of La Española, these images taken from the international space station are from July 1.


The image above is also a very strange phenomenon of the earth, in fact, it is so strange that they call it elves or ghosts, it is a surprising photo because of how difficult it is to capture, it looks like a beautiful landscape and those red rays are already a bit impressive, keep in mind that they are at an enormous height, they are also gigantic, we are talking about kilometers in length, this photo was taken on June 27 by photographer Tom Warner in South Dakota, in fact he captured several but this is the best shot .

They are very complicated to capture, they are called Sprite or red or sprite spectrum, it is an electrical discharge that occurs above the storm clouds in the part known as the mesosphere, below it has a blue filamentary structure that can reach 30 km in length and in its upper part it is an orange-red luminous flash, which is what we basically see here, they can reach from 50 km to 90 km in altitude and that is well above normal rays.

Horizontally, some can be up to 50 km wide (the set of rays, not each column of these that you are seeing) are extremely difficult to capture and study, since they reach speeds greater than 1600 km per second, their duration is very short. , the root cause of the phenomenon remains unknown, although we know that it is associated with cloud lightning on the ground.

The images without reference were created with AI
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