The Hollow moon of the solar system, and it is not our Moon.

in hive-109160 •  2 months ago 

The Hollow moon of the solar system, and it is not our Moon.

Konstanin Batygin has published together with astronomer Max Goldberg a very curious study on one of the strangest objects in the Solar System, Saturn's moon Hyperion. Have you heard about that conspiracy theory about the moon, our moon, which is hollow? In reality, on the moon there are enormous caverns and very long lava tunnels as a result of the volcanic activity that the moon had billions of years ago, sorry. But it is not really hollow, in fact, of all the satellites in the Solar System, it is the second densest, only surpassed, and only slightly, by the volcanic moon Io, a moon of Jupiter. But Hyperion is hollow, truly hollow .

The density of Hyperion is a thousand times less than that of our moon, which means that inside it there must be gaps, perhaps huge caves, galleries, that is, and it is very strange, because it is large, it is not a small object, This moon is irregular, but it is 360 kilometers high at its maximum diameter, 280 kilometers wide and 225 kilometers deep, if you want to size it that way.


It is a large body, the gravity acting on it should have exerted pressure to compress that mass, however, it is practically hollow, this is the research that these researchers published in December, because it also turns out that there is an enigma about Hyperion and is that astronomers, until now, had the suspicion that this moon was orbiting chaotically, so it could end up colliding with another moon.

For example, it could end up crashing into Titan and a natural satellite of this size, 360 kilometers in diameter against Titan, it would be a colossal impact, it is a planet destroyer or it could fall towards Saturn or end up being ejected from the Saturn System and wandering freely around the Solar System.

Hyperion is like a gigantic sponge, which is also highlighted by its exterior appearance full of deep craters. The largest crater of Hyperion is approximately 120 kilometers in diameter and 10 kilometers deep, which for the dimensions of this moon is astonishing. It is as if the earth had a crater the size of the Pacific Ocean and about 420 kilometers deep.

It is possible that Hyperion is the fragment of a much larger ancient satellite that was destroyed by a large impact, an event that may also react with the strange bipolar aspect of Iapetus, another satellite of Saturn, which has one hemisphere black, dark and the other , completely clear, it is very strange, it is totally bipolar.

But the current research by Konstanin Batygin and Max Goldberg, trying to explain and confirm if Hyperion is really tumbling and perhaps has a chaotic and dangerous orbit, in the analysis of these researchers they have come to the conclusion that Hyperion is not tumbling and which is located near or in an orbital nutation resonance that allows it to have a nearly regular orbit. The conclusion is that the possibility that Hyperion could end up crashing is ruled out. either being ejected or hitting Saturn, we are going to have Hyperion for a while, which is good, because then we will be able to one day investigate what is inside it, it is one of the mysteries that must be solved in our solar system.

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