The largest sea dragon ever found

in hive-109160 •  3 years ago 

The largest sea dragon ever found


Researchers have found Britain's largest and most complete lithium saurian fossilized remains.

This animal colloquially known as Sea Dragon was found in the Rutland Water nature reserve, the remains were fully excavated early last year and were presented on the BBC last Tuesday, January 11.


The ichthyosaur was discovered by Joe Davis, leader of the nature reserve's water conservation team, during the routine drainage of a lagoon island for landscaping in February 2021.

It was then that Joe and the reserve officer Paul Clover crossed the lagoon and Joe noticed something that looked like whale or dolphin bones, they followed what undoubtedly resembled a spine and Paul discovered something further ahead that could have been a jawbone, revealing then that it was a huge fossil.

This ichthyosaur lived approximately 180 million years ago, its skeleton is approximately 10 meters long and the skull weighs about a ton, the ichthyosaur first appeared about 250 million years ago and became extinct about 90 million years ago.

They were an extraordinary group of marine reptiles that ranged in size from one meter to 25 meters in length with an appearance similar to that of today's dolphins.

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