The most powerful magnetic field ever created by humans
China has broken a record that was held by the United States since 2017, it has created a magnetic field 800,000 times more powerful than the Earth's magnetic field, well it looks very good for the headlines, but here among us, I tell you that the magnetic field Earth has a power similar to that of a refrigerator magnet, so overcoming it is relatively easy.
Achieving a powerful magnetic field that is also constant is a necessary condition for doing experiments in extreme physics, it is a powerful tool for doing scientific work, in fact, you can discover properties of the elements, of matter, can manipulate matter in a strange way that is not normal and all this in favor of scientists to discover phenomena and explore new laws of matter, magnetism is one of the fields of research that we think we know because we have all this about electricity And we use magnetism for a lot of things, but magnetism at great power, on a large scale, opens up amazing things and worlds to us.
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