The officialdom of UFOs

in hive-109160 •  4 years ago 

The officialdom of UFOs

First of all I have always been skeptical about UFOs, ufos, or uap as he says lately, I bring up the subject because everyone is talking about this, in the 60 minute program, there was an entire segment dedicated to this and all the state news united regardless of lineups Fox News, CNN, CBS, ABC are reporting on the testimonies of US Navy personnel who witnessed the video above.


I find it strange that something that until recently was confined to conspiratorial ufology circles is now something that is reported on in the New York Times and by this date virtually every US news outlet that changed? What changed is the position of the pentagon towards the military videos supposedly leaked since 2007, until April 2020 the veracity of these videos could not be verified because there was no official explanation in this regard and then this statement came out where the defense department of The US authorized the publication of three declassified videos after analyzing them and verifying that their release does not compromise security, nor does it reveal the operation or sensitive capabilities of their systems.


In other words, they accept that the videos are legitimate, taken with equipment, in military installations and authorize their distribution because they do not reveal anything their weapons or defense systems that they do not want to reveal, which does not matter so much because these videos have circulating anyway. since 2007 but the juiciest of the statement is at the end where basically the government accepts that the objects seen in the videos remain unidentified.


This caused a stir in the Ufologa community, people who like to investigate sightings of unidentified flying objects, because it was the confirmation that the videos were not only real, but that the government accepts that they do not know what the objects they show are and that is It got a little out of control, in each report that is made on the subject, it takes the narrative to the extreme of insinuating that this meant that the government is accepting the existence of extraterrestrial life that comes to visit us and observes us from their vehicles in pill form of ticking, because, because sensationalism sells and this unprecedented acceptance by the government gave the opportunity to "serious" media that would not talk about this type of thing normally, to participate in the cake of ufological sensationalism.

This misinterpretation is due in part because the term UFO Unidentified flying object, which is the same as UFO in Spanish, unidentified flying object, is often associated with the concept of aliens, to the extent that many people believe they are synonymous, when in fact they want to. to say that it is an object in the sky, that you cannot identify, because you do not have enough information, that is, I without glasses, I see you on the street and I say, I do not know if it is Pedro or Juan, therefore, I catalog you as an unidentified person, but that does not mean that he is extraterrestrial or yes! :)

The cultural association of the term UFO and extraterrestrials is so strong that that is why now unidentified flying objects, the US government calls the phenomenon UAP Unidentified aerial phenomena, unidentified aerial phenomena, this to distance itself from the conspiratorial connotation .


But you have to review the antecedent because it is interesting and a little suspicious, the person who leaked these videos to be disseminated on the internet is Luis Elizondo, he was the director of the program for the advanced identification of aerospace threats, according to his testimony the former The military officer was assigned to the post as a skeptic, but during his tenure he came across things that made him change his mind, in fact he resigned because he saw that the higher levels of the bureaucracy did not take seriously incidents that in his opinion posed real threats to the national security, but when he came out he made sure to take out archived material of some of these incidents to broadcast them, whatever it was the videos were released and now after years the Pentagon accepts that they are military videos and that it does not know what it is. is displayed on them.

Souce Souce Souce

This, the fact that the Pentagon is talking about it, is the result of increasing pressure in recent times from Congress and especially from senators like Harry Reid, Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens who were and are fervent ufologists and push the agenda that the defense department should allocate resources to the investigation of these unidentified aerial phenomena but there is something suspicious, because it turns out that Luis Elizondo the expert, former director of the program dedicated to investigating these phenomena, who came out in 60 minutes speaking About UAPs and aliens, he might not be who he says he is.


In a 2019 article, the investigative reporter found evidence that Elizondo never held the position of director of said program and all sources that mention these are invariably people who are very into the business of aliens, in the business of making television programs, in the business of selling books, they already know a great deal, in fact Elizondo has a program in History Chanel, where he exposes what he found during the years of being director of this pentagon program and knowing this you give account that the 60-minute program, which looked quite serious, has no validity, or at least a very questionable veracity, they simply took advantage of the popularity of UFOs because the pentagon is validating some videos, to make a sensationalist report which sells very well, the 60-minute program I am talking about is he was broadcast on May 16 and it is striking because for the first time it showed on nac network ional, that is, outside cable and internet channels, the testimony of military personnel such as navy pilots, who say they have witnessed unidentified aerial phenomena and that is a very important part of the impact that this transmission had, because in the US . There is an excessive cult towards military personnel, so the story that some of these pilots at the time did not speak of the matter for fear of being judged mentally unstable and protecting their careers, makes a lot of sense, although in reality when I investigated I found a lot of interviews, some very old, where these same people were already talking about their experiences, a complete contradiction, but in the context of the recent acceptance of the pentagon that objects are real and that they do not know what they show or that is, They are in fact unidentified, from the testimony of military personnel, with the credibility that that gives them and you say wow this is interesting.

Watch the program on YouTube is the entire segment and I have mixed feelings, because although it does seem plausible, one of the concerns of the people interviewed that it seems to be an advanced technology that they believe was the one that the US possesses and That supposes a serious technological lag, I also perceived that several of these people were very prone to mention aliens too easily for my liking, like if you are not Juan, nor are you Pedro, surely you are extraterrestrial and no, first you have to consider if you are not Pepe, Diego even Carolina. Just be skeptical, science is rational, skeptical.

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