The recipe for life from other worlds

We are getting closer to finding life outside of Earth, because we are getting closer to places where liquid water exists and also has the elements that we assume are essential for life to emerge. We could be wrong or something is missing that we do not know. in the recipe that we believe is essential for life to emerge and that life on earth is something much rarer than we believe, but if we are right, we are then approaching worlds that do have liquid water and that do have those elements such as the Saturn's moon Enceladus or Jupiter's moon Europa.

If in the same way we are talking about forms of life as we know it, because we do not have another recipe and we are also talking about the basic elements for life, but of the only recipe we have we also only know one evolution and although there are structures like that of a jellyfish or the limbs that can arise in many animals because it is a basic element to be able to move in certain circumstances or the fins that are another basic element, it is basic engineering of nature, but removing those elements we only know one type of evolution.

Apart from the moon Europa which may have had a lot of time to develop life, there are other places, some very well known; We cannot yet rule out Mars as a place where life does not exist, we cannot yet label it a Dead Planet, because Mars had water for at least several hundred million years and also at the same time in which life emerged. on Earth and it is possible that Martian life forms continue to exist in aquifers or humid areas under the soil or under the polar caps in the same way that here on Earth there are colonies of microorganisms that can live inside the planet in isolation for thousands of millions of years as demonstrated recently with a discovery in South Africa.
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