The first Robot for the home.

in hive-109160 •  8 hours ago 

The first Robot for the home.

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Will these robots be really useful or just a futuristic luxury?

1X Technologies is another startup that is determined to realize the vision of humanoids as an all-in-one assistant for the home and for that it has just presented the Neo Gamma, a humanoid robot that promises to walk, talk and act like a human, which could be one more step towards the future.

Unlike other humanoids that focus solely on industrial functions Neo Gamma was designed to integrate into people's daily lives, it walks like a human with natural and synchronized steps, converses fluently interpreting emotions and gestures and learns new tasks on its own and adapts its behavior to the environment.

The idea of ​​1X is not only to create an efficient robot, but a robot that feels naturally intuitive at home, something that is close to iconic characters such as Rosy the robot from The Jetsons, to achieve this the company invested heavily in Artificial Intelligence, advanced motion control and machine learning.

Neo Gamma Innovations

Creating a humanoid that works in a factory is one thing, creating a humanoid that works inside the home is a completely different challenge, you must know how to move without colliding with furniture, interact with pets without causing accidents and understand how to deal with children and the elderly, 1X bets that to achieve this naturalness the robots must immediately leave the laboratory and be tested in real homes.

One of the biggest innovations of the Neo Gamma is a model of already conversational and natural body language, it can understand and respond with more natural expressions, interpret human gestures to respond more intuitively and adjust the tone of voice and speed of speech, depending on the context. This means that we are approaching a future where interacting with a robot is as normal as talking to a friend or co-worker and this raises important questions.

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These robots could replace human contact.

If a Neo Gamma can keep a lonely person company, cook and clean the house, how this will affect human relationships in the long term and how quickly society will accept a robot that looks so much like us, the fact is that technology is advancing rapidly it is no longer a question of if these robots will become part of our daily lives, but when.

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