A black hole has been discovered in the constellation Monoceros, which is 1500 light-years away from the Earth.
ImageBecause of the gravitational force of the black hole, the star takes on the shape of an egg
The discovery of a black hole 1500 light years away from Earth is significant. The black hole, which was named after the Unicorn Constellation in which it was located, is the closest black hole to the Earth and one of the smallest black holes ever identified, according to the latest research.
Black holes are celestial bodies from which no light can escape, even if the light is very bright. Telescopes are unable to see them up close and personal. They can only be detected indirectly because of the changes in the speed of surrounding things induced by their tremendous attraction, which causes the changes in speed of surrounding items to be noticed. The Unicorn was discovered as a result of a star that traveled with him on his cosmic journey.
They saw changes in the appearance of a red giant star in the Unicorn Constellation, as well as changes in the power of the star's light reaching Earth, when they observed it. It is believed that the presence of another celestial object orbiting the star is the source of this phenomenon. By analyzing data on the star's speed in space, the researchers calculated that the mass of the invisible object was around three times that of the Sun. A black hole is believed to be the object that can't be seen directly with telescopes, as the name suggests.