Parallel Universes- New Evidence of their Existence

in hive-109160 •  10 months ago 

Video Credit- History Channel, YouTube

Quantum theory and String Theory has predicted the existence of parallel universes, and new evidence shows that such a thing is possible.

The phenomenon of parallel universes is something most people have heard of today, and models of particle movement show it's possible for such a thing to exist. Multiverse theory is based upon me notion that our universe is one in a series of many.

Our universe began during the mysterious "Big Bang" process that occured billions of years ago, and many believe this is not a singular occurrence. Universes could begin with their own Big Bang events and continue to expand outward as we are. Such an arrangement of expanding universes is plausible and understable.

The rules that govern our universe and the expanding universe we see help to support the existence of multiple universes. We cannot see beyond the edge of our universe, so it's plausible another universe exists beyond it's bounds. The rules of physics in our universe may be entirely different than those in another. String and Quantum theories support a matrix of universes and universes generated by other phenomenon. It's an incredible question we will hopefully one day answer.

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