Red Moon Eclipse | Original Photography | My First Post In The StockPhotos Community.

in hive-109286 •  3 years ago 

ISO: 100 - f / 6 - EXP 1/250 - DF: 1024mm

What camera did I use? why does this phenomenon happen? how did I capture this photo? In this publication I will tell you.

The camera I used for this photograph was the Canon Powershot Sx 520 hs, although it is only a semi-professional camera, it is a very powerful camera with its great zoom, from my perspective it helped me to capture the best moments of this wonderful eclipse that is not usually repeated much, I will leave the specifications of each capture below each photograph.

Before reaching its red color the moon went through two different stages of colonization, a white stage and an orange stage, both stages I was able to capture as well, I took this picture some years ago, it was in 2016 if I'm not mistaken and I had never shared it anywhere, except on my tumblr blog called "cactuspoetico" where I used to post pictures and poems.

ISO: 800 - f / 6 - EXP: 1/320 - DF: 1024mm

Why does this phenomenon happen? Although at first glance it seems something really impressive and for many it has to do with a more spiritual connection, it turns out that there is a simpler explanation for the red lunar eclipse. This happens when the earth is interposed between the moon and the sun preventing the sunlight to illuminate the moon directly, then the lights that pass through the atmosphere of our earth reach the moon giving it a different tone. The red moon is not something that happens every day and although it only lasts a couple of hours at most, everyone is aware that this phenomenon is approaching, for some a spiritual curiosity, for others a spectacle of nature, for me a scenario full of art that I managed to capture forever and I have decided to share it with all of you.

ISO: 100 - f / 6 - EXPO 1/250 - DF: 1024mm

I hope you like it, I will also be publishing content in "musicforsteem" & "danceandmusic" Greetings!

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