Hermoso ejemplar canino/Beautiful canine specimen .

in hive-109286 •  3 years ago 

Este perro es simplemente lindo, su pelo, sus dientes, sus ojos, mi descripción sería más adecuada para una mujer hermosa, pero no es es para un perro :)

This dog is just great, his hair, his teeth, his eyes, my description would be more suitable for a beautiful woman, but it is not for a dog :)

Cuando lo miré, parecía una alfombra blanca ja ja ja, soy muy cruel a veces lo sé ja ja ja, pero cualquiera se confunde :)

When I looked at it, it looked like a white carpet ha ha ha, I'm very cruel sometimes I know ha ha ha, but anyone gets confused :)

Traté de llamar su atención, pero no, este animal es tan esquivo como yo.

I tried to catch his eye, but no, this animal is just as elusive as I am.

Muy elegante, su posición parece una de esas modelos que quieren destacar, pero el perro me parece más lindo, no me gustan las mujeres vistosas, prefiero las recatadas.

How elegant, her position seems one of those models that want to stand out, but the dog seems prettier, I don't like showy women, I prefer demure ones.

Ella sabe llamar la atención, creo que es ella, no él, los chicos caninos no actúan así, ni los hombres, bueno yo no :)

She knows how to attract attention, I think it's her, not him, canine boys don't act like that, not even men, well I don't :)

Ya vi a su dueña, wowwwwww, es tan hermosa como su mascota, ahora no sé a quién mirar.

I already saw its owner, wowwwwww, she's as beautiful as her pet, now I don't know who to look at.

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One of the most beautiful dogs I've ever seen. If I'm not mistaken I think he's an ASKI

that's right, it's a beauty, I made some jokes in the post and it seems that my thing is not comedy ha ha ha, well but I enjoyed it, the dog looks very well fed and the girl who owns the dog who by the way was Very pretty more than the dog ha ha ha, it is seen that she treats him very well, that is the important thing, to take care of the animals that we have as pets.