Drawing Art with Magazine Clippings: Risen From The Ashes // by @artographer | #club5050

in hive-109427 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Risen From The Ashes

First of all, thanks to the Draftcrearte community, and moderators especially @crearte, for conducting a contest like these. Your contest themes were always unique and interesting. And all the best to all the contestants in the contests.

When I saw the theme for making a painting using clippings of magazines, I wanted to make something colourful and unique... and along with that I wanted to show some message or a symbol to my audience. So I chose the theme women empowerment and made a painting in my style with no references.


Tools used
Paper - A2 16-1/2 x 23-3/8 in
Magazine clippings

How I made the art

Idea into sketch
This was one of the hard part of the whole process. I thought of drawing a symbol of a woman rising from the nowhere mixed with a background phoenix.
So took a paper and made a random drawing from my imagination. Then I redrawn it into the large canvas with a pencil.

For making the forward process a little bit easier, I used some colours on the drawing and painted it out hoping this will help me to get a quick idea of what colours of paper bits should I use in every portion.

Background making
I chose to make the background a little dark for the scene. So I chose all the dark and black portions fro magazine and cut it out. Then started fixing it over the background completely in steps. For the wide region I used larger cuttings at this stage.

Character making-1
Now it came the time to paint the characters in thene with these paper clipps. So firstly I went to the phoenix part and collected as many red and yellow clipps from the magazines and made it into small pieces. The I fixed those in specific regions.

Character making-2
I collected some more different colours like human body and light blue and green for the final filling. This time I had to use very tiny pieces of those as the sketch where small here. It required a little more care while pasting and finishing this process.

Now I took some more papers and cut it into different shapes of different letters, inorder to make the draft create card,...and I finished it successfully too.

Final Figure

My last 50% powerup with the recent rewards, for the #club5050 team up.


Project 4.png

I hope that was enjoyable

Stay tuned for more contents like this. This your is friend @artographer, I will be seeing you soon. GODSPEED

Let's connect on

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Excelente participación amigo quedó muy bien realizado además los diferentes tonos de color en las alas lo hacen ver espectacular.

Se te olvidó colocar la etiqueta #contest17-draftcrearte

Thans so much for reminding me

Naguraaa por un momento creí que era pequeño hasta que seguí mirando♥ un excelente trabajo amigo te quedo fino fino♥

I am really happy that you noticed it

jejeje ♥♥

Espectacular trabajo te felicito, suerte en el concurso.

Thank you very much

I love soooo much your art!
You're such a great artist 👏👏

Thank you so much

Amigo wuaoooo que genial tu cuadro muy lindo me encanto tienes mucha creatividad, felicidades. una observación se te olvido colocar la etiqueta #contest17-draftcrearte

Excelente amigo me encanto el tema
de la mujer con el Ave Fenix. Está
hermoso tu obra . Felicidades y exitos

Thanks for having time to have a stop here

Amigo está excelente tu cuadro, oscurecer el fondo hizo que el ave y la mujer resaltarán y se vieran volar, me encanta felicitaciones.

That exactly was my objective. Thanks for noticing

Te ha quedado muy bonito.. Felicidades


Que bien y con mucho color tu obra Felicidades.


wow, this is just amazing, I love it. you did an excellent job. I saw your post late because you didn't put the tag #contest17-draftcrearte so I couldn't find you.

Please, you are on time to post it my friend

Verificación de concurso-03.png

Yeah another friend also reminded me the same. Thanks for all your concern. It is really appreciable

Felicidades su obra le ha quedado excelente, y sus colores están geniales.


Wow hermosa arte.


Beautiful art and wonderful post

