Contest # 13 : Create a craft using the “Organic Painting” technique. | 50 STEEM in prizes!!!

in hive-109427 •  4 years ago 


We return with our weekly challenges where you can develop your creativity to the maximum.

We start from the idea that creativity is really a valuable capacity, not only for the artistic field, but for any aspect of life. For this reason, we have developed a series of challenges that will help you increase your creativity both in your day-to-day, life and in your entrepreneurship.

Do not miss them.. stay with us!

What is this new contest about?

Recurso 4sound.png

Create a craft using the “Organic Painting” technique.

On this occasion you must create a craft or transform an object using the ¨Organic Painting¨ technique. For this contest there are no limits you can create what you imagine. You can restore a wall, tables, make flower pots, cup holders, pictures or decorative objects.

What is Organic paint?

Creative and fresh, the logic of organic painting is very simple: mix paints, shapes and textures to have a result with fluid shapes, which can occupy an entire wall or on different surfaces giving minimalist touches to any object, turning them into works of art. source



Recurso 2sound.png


Please read the following rules carefully:

  1. To participate in this contest your account must be verified in our community.
  2. The title of the post should be: Contest #13: title // by @youruser
  3. The Main image of your publication must be the photo of the Final Result of your work.
  4. Include the process by placing at least 5 PHOTOS + FINAL RESULT + SELFIE (You must use your "DraftCrearte" poster, with your username).
  5. Include the tags: #contest13-draftcrearte #draftcrearte #contest #steemexclusive
  6. Be sure to post your entry in the DraftCrearte community.
  7. You need to share your entry on social media by inviting other people to participate. It is necessary that you place the link that redirects them to the contest. Use the tags:
    #steemit #crearte #draftcrearte. Also, tag the @DraftCrearte account.
  8. Take a screenshot of your promotion on social media and post it in the comments of your post.
  9. Invite 3 three new or non-community members to participate .
  10. It is necessary to give reestemd.
  11. Comment on the entries of the other participants.
  12. If any type of plagiarism is discovered, the user will be disqualified, and all future DraftCrearte contests.
  13. We accept entries in English and Spanish.

Aspects to evaluate:

Originality-creativityPhoto quality-art presentationStep-to-stepComply with the rules
up to 3 pointsup to 2 pointsup to 2,5 pointsup to 1,5 pointsup to 1 points

Recurso 3sound.png

1st place🏆
2nd place🏅
3rd place🏅
4th place🏅
5th place🏅
6th place🏅

We will have a special mention for the participant with the best structure en su entrada and more participation in comments on the entries of their colleagues.

The rest of the participants who have complied with all the rules of the contest will obtain 0.200 STEEM.

This contest ends on Monday 30 at 1:00 pm (Venezuelan time) and the winners will be announced the following day, which will be chosen by a group of active members on our Discord channel.

We invite you to join our Discord


Are you new and would like to join the community? Visit the following post for more details.

Links to support our DraftCrearte community via SP.

50 SP100 SP 250 SP 500 SP

Social Media:



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Me encanta este concurso, espero participar.

excelente idea la de crear atravez de tecnica de pintura, a dejar liberar la imaginacion.

Me encanta mucho la idea del concurso, voy a participar. :3

Cómo extrañaba este tipo de concurso. Y es un arte muy bonito donde somos libres de pintar.
Excelente 😍

Genial. Me emociona este concurso... A participar psss.

Que lindoooo me encanta esto

Bueno el concurso esta genial

Los concursos y desafios de DraftCrearte son espectaculares
y muy animados. Estoy feliz de que volvieron para activar la
creatividad que todos tenemos, la interesante Tecnica de la pintura organica es maravillosa y estoy segura que todos
tienen la capacidad de lograrlo.

Que bueno que esten de regreso con los concursos. Sera genial participar

Muy interesante el concurso a participar.

Me encanta ésto! Manos a la obra 🎨

Excelente concurso.

Me gusta esta idea , será mi primer reto espero poder participar.

Excelente concurso espero poder participar

Me encanta este concurso 🤗

Really nice contest.I will try to participate this contest.

Brillante y creativo concurso espero paticipar

Excelente concurso ideal para poner a volar la imaginacion


What a great contest 💃💃💃💃

Interesante concurso espero poder participar!

Que Genial concurso, me encantaría poder participar.

hola amigas me encantan estos concursos estare participando

Excelente concurso, estudiaré la técnica y espero dejar una buena participación, saludos y bendiciones 🙏😇💖

Can I participate in this competition?

Hola amigos creativos pos acá les dejo mi Participación

Mi publicación en las redes sociales.


Mis saludos a toda la comunidad, este es el link de mi entrada al concurso.


Esta es mi publicación en las redes sociales.

Excelente concurso! Una gran idea para explotar la creatividad de todos! Bendiciones!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Mi entrada al concurso enalce


Estaré presentando mi entrada

Buena idea. Me encantaría participar a tiempo.👍🙂

Aquí el link de mi entrada
El enlace de la invitación en las redes sociales promoción


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hola, feliz domingo. aquí les dejo mi entrada al concurso.



Hola saludos comunidad @draftcrearte por acá les dejo mi link para la entrada del concurso.


Mi publicación en la redes sociales


Hola amigos! Aquí Mi participación en este grandioso concurso! Bendiciones para todos ! @mariemra


Hola, aun puedo presentar mi participación? es que pensé que lo podía presentar hasta la media noche de hoy.

Ya termino el concurso amiga, puedes subir tu trabajo como una publicación normal.

Entiendo, muchas gracias.

Maravillosa idea, muy creativa. Excelente concurso.