Cultivating Malta: A Guide to Growing Sweet Oranges.

in hive-109435 •  4 months ago 

đź’•Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahimđź’•

My username is @abdulmukit and I'm from Bangladesh.

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Malta is an exotic fruit belonging to the citrus family. The creation of this fruit was the hybridization of oranges and bitter lemons. Its English name is Sweet Orange. Malta is beneficial as food for the patient. Delicious to eat. Great smell. Malta is rich in nutrients. According to agricultural scientists, it is more adaptable than oranges. So hilly areas are best for farming. But its sweetness and yield are good in light salt soil.

Malta Propagation:

Malta can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. However, seedlings cannot survive for a long time due to the soil and climate of our country. So it is better to make seedlings through the pen itself. Moreover, the seedlings produced by the pen maintain the mother's quality and bear fruits quickly. Besides, grafting through disease-resistant and strong rootstocks increases the lifespan and productivity of the plant.

Pair pen:

Usually within 10-15 days of grafting, the connection between the rootstock and the scion is established and the eyes of the scion open and buds emerge. If more than one branch emerges from the graft, keep the healthy, strong, and straight-growing branch and cut the rest. Buds growing from the original pair should be cut regularly.

Land selection and preparation method:

High or medium-high land with full sun and no accumulation of rainwater should be selected for malta cultivation. Weeds should be cleared and branches should be trimmed if there are tall trees nearby.

Planting method:

Seedlings or cuttings should be planted in a hexagonal or square pattern. Madhya Baisakh to Madhya Bhadra (May-August) is the best time for planting. However, if there is water or an irrigation system, the entire year can be planted.


After 10-15 days of application of fertilizer in the pit, the seedlings or cuttings should be planted straight along the center of the pit. After planting, should be tied with poles. Irrigation should be done as required.

Manure management:

The plant needs to be fertilized three times a year for growth and desired fruit production. Pre-monsoon from mid-Phalgun to mid-Chaitra and from mid-Baishakh to mid-Jaishtha. In the middle eighty-ninth month after monsoon. In the afternoon, it is better to mow well and fertilize the area where the shade of the tree falls on the ground 6 inches deep. Or by cutting 1 foot from the base of the tree and then 4 feet of land in a circular manner. Irrigation should be done after application of fertilizers. As the tree ages, so does the food demand.

Weed control


Circular mulching of different leaves or straw at a distance from the base of the plant after the application of fertilizers after the monsoons conserves moisture during the dry season along with suppressing weeds.


Regular irrigation during the dry season or drought is essential for good fruiting. During the rainy season, drainage should be arranged quickly so that water does not accumulate at the roots of the trees.

Pruning branches:

Pruning is essential for Malta plants. After planting the tree, the branches should be pruned gradually until the fruit is harvested, so that the tree can spread around without being tall. Because the side branches hold more fruit. All branches above one meter of trunk should be pruned. After pruning, the branches should be coated with Bordeaux paste. Besides, the water sucker should be cut as soon as it is produced. Dead, dry, diseased branches should be pruned.

Fruit thinning and bagging:

The Malta tree bears a lot of fruit. And the Bari Malta 1 variety has a lot of fruit every year. If all the fruits are kept, the fruits are small and of low quality. For this reason, two fruits should be left in each flower after looking healthy and strong, and the rest should be pruned when they are small (marble shape). Kalm trees start bearing fruit from the first or second year. For good growth of the plant, it is better not to keep the fruit for the first 2 years. Due to the green shape of the fruit, attacks by birds or insects are less. However, bagging before maturity prevents unwanted insect attacks.

Fruit collection:

Malta should be collected at maturity. Care should be taken not to damage the fruit during collection. Grading is best done according to fruit size. Wipe with a clean cloth and pack and market.



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LocationSylhet, Bangladesh

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