Blockchain scalability!

in hive-109435 •  13 days ago 

Greetings everyone, it it another beautiful day, and it is a pleasure to be here once again after a week break. Due to personal issues and work but am back fully. In my blog today, I will be participating in this amazing content TITLE Blockchain scalability! And I want to use this privilege to thank @khursheedanwar for organizing this beautiful content.

But before I continue, please permit me to fastly call on this great friends of mine @javier-25 , @onomzy001, @mogar to participate in this wonderful content.

What you know about blockchain scalability?


Scalability is a business or other entity's capacity to grow or develop and meet increased demand. Blockchchain scalability has to do with the ability of blockchchain network to handle a growing volume of transactions.

But on a more viral level, it refers to the number of computation per second since transactions can vary in complexity and cost. It can also be seen as a distributed database that maintained a continuously developing list of ordered records, called block.

When discussing in the context of blockchchain technology, the term refers to the transaction processing speed. The more transactions that flow through network, the more the computation which needs execution at any given time. when scaling the execution layer, the main issue to solve is how is to achieve more computations per second without substantially increasing the hardware requirements on individual full nodes that validate the transaction in block.

Why scalability is important for a blockchchain
Scalability to me, is a critical factor in blockchain network due to the networks size and complexity increase with each transaction added to blockchchain. It is pivotal that blockchchain are capable to process loads of transactions very fastly and effectively to meet the increase demands.

Scalability is an important consideration for businesses aiming to meet customers expectations, remain competitive, and achieve substainable development.

How scalability can be improved?


Designing for concurrency and parallelism can help to improve scalability by allowing the system to handle multiple requests or tasks simultaneously, thus improving throughput and reducing response time. The over overall architecture of the system together how components are structured and connected, can also impact scalability.

This are ways to improve scalability 👇
✅ Forecasting
✅ Architecture principles
✅ Lady optimization
✅ Competition Day: Event & Situation Room

Thanks so much for your precious time.

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