in hive-109435 •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Hello Steemites, Today I had a lot of memory flashbacks after visiting a friend and using their restroom. Sighting a spider resting innocently in a corner jogged back to my experiences with this little creature. My fear of this creature is out of this planet Earth. I still fear them, but not up to when I was young. I think I have some scores to settle with spiders. Spiders can be found anywhere in the house, especially in corners that are dirty, dusty, and dark. You can easily see them in toilets, and bathrooms

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There are different types of spiders. One has tiny legs that are raised always, and the other is always flat to the surface or wall like star shape. Do you see the flat one? Especially when they are mighty? They made me shed lots of tears when I was very young. Today at the age of 27years, I still fear them, most times I chase them away from 10miles

When I was younger, my siblings (I won’t call them wicked) threatened me so much using this creature. I remember vividly one afternoon after returning from school, and I had to use the toilet. I found a mighty Spider, it was as if looking at me and making fun of me, and it refused to leave its spot. I nearly pooed on my body. I had to find an alternative. It was a bad experience

Remembering the fear of spiders and the recent happenings at my place of work, I learned some lessons. I realized how people invest in your fears and use them against you. I did weird stuff out of my consent and went on ridiculous errands. Because I don’t talk? Maybe I value satisfying others against my satisfaction
There are many causes of FEAR.

  1. lack of confidence
    The thought of being less, feelings of inferiority complex, or lack of belief in yourself. Put this at the back of your mind, people are like spiders, they might look or feel scary, but they are harmless

  2. low self-esteem
    You can develop low self-esteem because you lack the confidence to face your fears. When people say you look ugly, do you turn to the image of yourself in the mirror all day? Sometimes, you ask yourself if you are what people say you are. Engaging yourself in positive self talk is very important

  3. Fear of losing relationships: Don’t be too dependent on people. Overdependency gives people the ability to toy with their emotions. It gives them the impression that “she/he can’t live without me or my assistance. Say outwardly things you find unacceptable to you. Don’t accept what will hurt your happiness

People are like spiders and can be weird, and scary, but they can’t kill YOU!!!. Self love is very important. I would love to hear your experiences concerning spiders. Thank you

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