On of the most important thing behind its increase demand is there huge budget behind its advertisement. Mostly in there ads they show famous people drinking cold drinks and energy drinks so then people follow them and drink different beverages. Some people drinks different cold drinks after eating food as to digest the food. As far as my favorite cold drinks include I mostly love to drink Coke . The reason behind is that mostly I drink after eating meat and pizza etc. Its taste is very good Among other drinks and also plays a vital role in digestion of the food. Alongside these In gathering we also love to drink cock.
When taking about the famousness of this coke brand it is very famous Among its customers. There are many reasons behind its popularity. The most important among its taste. The people once drink always try to drink again and again. The other thing is that it is easily available all almost every shop. It has given headshot to its competitors. Coke is also very familiar and famous among people because of its sponsorship in different events
When it comes to drinking cold drinks there are its advantage as well as disadvantages. Some of its advantage are given below
- One the most important advantage of drinking coke is that it boast energy level in man and also it gives refreshment to the man.
- The taste of the coke and its black color is also very mush love by the people. Its sweet taste attractive for the its users.
- It is also a great source of refreshments in gathering so people take benefits of its readily availability.
Some of the disadvantages of the drinking coke are given below.
- People who drink cold continuously, due to having high sugar content in coke cause to increase the weight which leads to many problems.
- We have also seen that after drinking coke our teeth become somewhat strange and cold which is due to its acid content that is also very harmful.
- I have listened in the documentary that drinking coke also cause dehydration in human
The price of coke is different in different volume.
- The price of coke of 250 ml is 50 rupes which is equal to almost 1 steem.
- The price of 1.5 litre coke is 140 rupees which is equal to 2.5 steem almost.
- The price of 2.25 litre coke 200 rupes which is equal to almost 3.7 steem