Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | If I were The Principal: Comfortable and Competitive Learning Climate |

in hive-109435 •  2 years ago  (edited)

When I spoke at the Consulate General of the Malaysian Embassy in Medan, Indonesia, with the students.

This is an interesting challenge because I never dreamed of becoming a school principal. Never even dreamed of being a lecturer, a profession that I now live in, apart from being a journalist and writer.

But I have also taught in junior high schools and several high schools, as a visiting teacher for writing subjects. I still teach literacy in high school until now, especially at Modal Bangsa Arun High School and Sukma Bangsa Private High School, both in Lhokseumawe and other areas.

Teaching in junior high school made me tired because the students were very noisy and many times I had to remind them to keep their mouths shut, something I never did on campus.

Regarding the school principal, I was inspired by Mrs. Cut Nurlaila, to SD Negeri Cot Gapu. I was inspired by his habit of telling stories every time. I admit the habit of listening to fairy tales inspired me to write fiction.

If I were the principal of an elementary school, I would maintain this habit so that the children have a wise imagination and role models. The moral message here is very strong with fairy tales.

For academic growth, I will cooperate with the world's best excellent schools. According to information, for primary schools, Finland is the best country. So, we will adopt the world's best system and make curriculum adjustments.

To improve discipline, I apply reward and punishment. Existing rules will be strictly enforced. However, before that is done, socialization will be carried out by involving all elements. Discipline will become a culture that we pass down from generation to generation.

Discipline is not only for teachers but students and also education staff. The teaching and learning atmosphere will be made as comfortable as possible, with adequate facilities and a system that has been tested in the best schools in the world, with a number of adjustments—of course.

I love sports, especially football. However, as a school principal, I will not force children to also like soccer. Children's aptitude and interest in sports will be monitored and directed. The principal's job is to facilitate so that children can channel their interests and talents in the field of sports, without forgetting their academic abilities.

We will take part in sports competitions on a regular basis. The children are used to the competitive climate from an early age.[]

Read books on campus.

Bedah Buku_02.jpg
Menerima cendera mata setelah menjadi pemateri.

Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | If I were The Principal: Iklim Belajar yang Nyaman dan Kompetitif

Ini tantangan yang menarik, sebab saya tida pernah bermimpi menjadi kepala sekolah. Bermimpi sebagai dosen pun tidak pernah, sebuah profesi yang kini saya jalani, selain sebagai wartawan dan penulis.

Tapi saya juga pernah mengajar di SMP dan beberapa SMA, sebagai guru tamu untuk mata pelajaran menulis. Mengajar tentang literasi di SMA masih saya lakukan sampai sekarang, terutama di SMA Modal Bangsa Arun dan SMA Swasta Sukma Bangsa, baik di Lhokseumawe maupun daerah lain.

Mengajar di SMP membuat saya lelah yang siswa sangat ribut dan berkali-kali saya harus mengingatkan mereka harus tutup mulut, sesuatu yang tidak pernah saya lakukan di kampus.

Mengenai kepala sekolah, saya terinspirasi dengan Ibu Cut Nurlaila, kepada SD Negeri Cot Gapu. Saya terinspirasi dengan kebiasaan dia mendongeng setiap ada waktu. Saya mengakui, kebiasaan mendengar dongeng membuat saya terinspirasi dala menulis fiksi.

Seandainya menjadi kepala sekolah dasar, saya akan mempertahankan kebiasaan ini agar anak-anak memiliki imajinasi dan panutan yang bijak. Pesan moral di sini sangat kuat dengan cerita dongeng.

Untuk pertumbuhan akademik, saya akan bekerja sama dengan sekolah unggul terbaik dunia. Menurut informasi, untuk sekolah dasar, Finlandia adalah negara terbaik. Jadi, kami akan mengadopsikan sistem terbaik dunia dan melakukan penyesuaian kurikulum.

Untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan, saya menerapkan reward and punishment. Aturan yang ada akan diberlakukan secara tegas. Namun, sebelum itu dilakukan, akan melakukan sosialisasi dengan melibatkan seluruh elemen. Kedisiplinan akan menjadi budaya yang kami wariskan turun-temurun.

Kedisiplinan bukan hanya untuk guru, tetapi siswa dan juga tenaga kependidikan. Suasana belajar mengajar akan dibuat senyaman mungkin, dengan fasilitas memadai dan sistem yang sudah teruji di sekolah terbaik di dunia, dengan sejumlah penyesuaian—tentu saja.

Saya menyukai olahraga, khususnya sepak bola. Namun, sebagai kepala sekolah saya tidak akan memaksakan anak-anak juga harus menyukai sepak bola. Bakat dan minat anak-anak dalam olah raga akan dipantau dan diarahkan. Tugas kepala sekolah memfasilitasi agar anak-anak dapat menyalurkan minat dan bakat dalam bidang olah raga, tanpa melupakan kemampuan akademik.

Kami akan mengikuti kompetisi olah raga secara rutin anak-anak terbiasa dengan iklim kompetisi sejak dini.[]

Prodi Elektronika_1993.jpg
Foto kenangan semasa kuliah di Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, tahun 1992.

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Thank you @steemcurator08 and @waterjoe.

Long setuju, mendongeng mungkin jeut cara ampuh mendidik aneuk tingkat SMP. Long rasa metode nyoe hana salah untuk ta terapkan, payah ta edit jue cara mengajar.

Sayangnya, tradisi mendongeng sudah mulai berkurang. Anak-anak sekarang lebih terbiasa dengan gadget.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri, kemajuan teknologi telah mengubah segalanya, termasuk mendongeng. Anak-anak sekarang juga lebih suka melihat kartun di youtube, ketimbang mendengar cerita dongeng.

Padahal, mendongen itu harusnya tidak aus digerus zaman. Tetap cocok di tengah gempuran teknologi digital.

Betul sekali bang.

Thanks for sharing your article with us.School principles has too many responsibilities on their head.

To improve discipline, I apply reward and punishment.

Maintaining the discipline is the key factor for the proper management of any school.Rewarding the students that obeys all the rules and punishmemt to the students that are disobeying will be the good startagy to imply the principle rules and build proper managment.

Partcipation in the sports is really important for the building of personality.I appreciate your efforts in creating this article.Thanks for sharing.Good luck.

Applying discipline since childhood will become a habit and then become a character. Reward and punishment are a stimulus to build disciplinary character. Thanks for commenting on my post.

Football is one the best game in the world. Disciplinary actions must be taken for the welfare of students in order to make them successful in their further life.

Cooperative actions you would take to make urself strong is very good in a sense that it will enhance your knowledge about the world and you can easily contact with anyone without any hesitation.

Overall you have done a great job mate.

Best regards: @tayyab100

Thank you @tayyab100. Football is indeed my favorite sport, but as a school principal, I don't force all children to play soccer. We let them develop their individual talents, the school only facilitates them.


Good story, masih trsimpan foto jadulnya. Tahun 1992 itu udah lama banget yach 😊