"Do you like rainy weather?"

in hive-109435 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Greetings to my fellow steemian in steem4Bloggers community. I welcome you all to my blog. Happy New week to you and I wish the very best this week. Today, I present my entry on this contest hosted by @malikusman1. Am glad to be here!


Do you like rainy weather, and why?

Yes, I like rainy weather. I like it because God knows why he made this season. Every season giving to human by God has is own benefit that we humans being are benefitting from.

Rainy weather is always cool, calm and have this sweet cool breeze that can make some people to be energetic, some will be lazy, some will be sick while some will enjoy it.

Naturally, although rainy weather will stops outside activities but yet it helps a lot. In crops, in the roads, around us and our lives, rain play a vital role to balance or fix things in place, so I love rainy weather.


Do you like to take a shower in rainy weather?

I like Rainy refreshing. It makes someone feel good. Although, I don't shower on raining time as compared to when I was still a kid but I do this once a while expecially when am coming back from my work under the rain.

I will used the opportunity, I take a cool shower under the rain to satisfy myself with this natural nature God has given to humans free of charge.

Anytime I take a shower in the rain when coming back from work, it relieved the stress work burden in me, making me regain back my strength fast. I just like standing and the rains fall on me, so I like taking a shower in rainy weather.


What type of food do you like to eat in rainy weather?

During rainy weather, I like the type of food that is hot containing enough pepper so that as am eating, I will not really feel much cool in me and will make my nerves to relax and enjoy the weather as well.


I like taking vegetable soup or our local cooking rice. This two food is very easy for me to prepare during rainy weather knowing that in less than a hour, I will have a warm temperatures in my body system.

I enjoy eating this food when is very hot, that is immediately I just finished cooking it, I will eat it, relax for a while and then cover myself to enjoy more of the weather by sleeping.


In conclusion Try you best to enjoy every season that we have. Be it rainy weather or dry weather, fix in yourself and gain the benefits that comes with it. I will like @anthony002, @patudoh and @choimy810 to participate.

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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Nice post....you are right,we should enjoy every season 🙂


I prefer rainy weather than hot weather. Things do better in rainy weather.. Success to you.