Equal dignity and importance of men and women"

in hive-109435 •  yesterday 

I totally agree that both genders should be treated equally but as it may, if not for the men and women the society and world would have been nothing to write home about. The men and women play and important role in the society but I will give the men the credit 😉. Although the women also have control if the men will either be more contributive or otherwise.


Is the contribution of men and women equal in the society, or is the contribution of men more than women ❓

I will rather say that the contribution of men is far greater than that of the women. Men are the bread winner of the family and they are the ones who usually labour in farms and working place such as banks. Women are mostly house wifes who depend completely on they husbands for many things.

Men are the ones who are mainly in the political world which makes men to be more contributive to the development of the society. Women are no doubt good advicers but the men are the ones who take action to make sure that society is a better place. As we all know that women don't go for war when enemies invade the country or locality, rather the men stand on they ground and take it all on themselves and go to fight for the people and for the safety of the society.

We all know that they is a saying that what a man can do a woman can do better. No doubt about that, but men are usually the ones who work tirelessly for the progress of the society. I know draw the case closed that men contribute more to the society that women.

Who do the people of your country prefer women or men and why?? Or do they give equal importance to women and men ❓


Well, Nigeria is a country that has a lot of natural history which is preferring the men over the women. This is because the men tend to possess more strength and sense of reasoning better than the women and also because the men have the advantages of keeping the family name and lineage going.

Nigeria also prefer the men because they believe that they are the expected to take control of all the happens and ruling activities in the society, they believe that women can not be the ones to perform some certain things. Men are highly valued and perfered in Nigeria because the supervise and control the political affairs in the Nation.

A man's life is hard without a woman, and a woman's life is hard without a man, what do you think ❓

I really will say that this was a very meaningful phrase because no one can stay alone in this world without a partner to share his or her life with. A man is a kind of human that needs someone to listen to his taughts, ideas and sad moments. With a woman a man can work efficiently, the woman lightens his day with her smile and words of hope.


Same here, a woman can't live happily without a man because a man is the person to listen to her and give her attention, a man assures her that he will always be by her side thereby bringing hope and joy to her. Women are the kind of people who can at least try to live alone but in the case of the men it's not possible because they will never fill complete in this life but the females try to adjust to where life has placed them. I really believe that a woman will find it difficult to live without a man because the both gender where made for each other, to be companions in the struggle of life.

Every man should respect women, and every woman should respect men, do you agree, why ❓

I certainly agree that all men should respect women because the women and men are to live in harmony for the betterment of the society and the family. Respect connotes that you are to be humble, obedient and possess polite behaviors towards something or somebody irrespective of the person's background or origin.

Respect is a means to build a strong relationship between both genders in other to make the world a better place, I also like to urge all men and women In the world to respect each other and also spread love over the world.

I will like to invite @saintpaul17, @onomzy001, @rme, @john247 and @chisom77 to participate in this contest.

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