The Kiss of the Law: A Look at Ancient RomesteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-109435 •  4 months ago 



Imagine living in ancient Rome, where togas are the latest fashion and gladiators are the celebrities of the moment. But not everything is fun and games, especially if you're a woman. Why? Well, because there's a rather peculiar rule: the "Ius Osculi" or the "right of the kiss".

Now, before you start dreaming of romantic scenes in the style of "Romeo and Juliet", let me clarify something. This was not a movie kiss, full of passion and love. No, this was a kiss... of inspection. Yes, you read that right. A kiss to inspect women's breath and make sure they hadn't drunk wine. Because, apparently, in ancient Rome, drinking wine was as bad as committing adultery. I'm talking about a moral hangover!

So, imagine the scene. Your husband comes home after a long day of work. He approaches you, looks into your eyes... and then leans in to give you a kiss. But it's not a romantic kiss, it's more of a... breath test? And if he detects the slightest trace of wine, well, you're in trouble.



And when I say trouble, I mean serious trouble. Because if wine was found, the woman was judged for the crime committed. And the husband was not only the accuser, but also the judge and the executioner. I'm talking about a conflict of interest!

But don't worry, you can always try to disguise the smell of wine with a bit of mint or parsley. Or maybe you could chew a clove of garlic. Better garlic breath than wine breath, right?



Life in ancient Rome could be quite intense. But at least it left us a valuable lesson: always brush your teeth before a kiss... you never know who might be doing a breath inspection!

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