Last week, we delved into a significant lesson about Balaam and Balak. This intriguing account revolves around Balak, the king of Moab, who desired to hire Balaam, a prophet, to reign curses upon the Israelites residing near Moab.
You might wonder, why would Balak even consider such an action? Well, it's because he perceived the Israelites as a potential threat to his kingdom. Remember, I mentioned earlier that they resided near Moab. If you're interested, you can read the full story in Numbers 22-24.
Now, in chapter 24, God prevented Balaam from cursing the Israelites. He compelled him to bless them. Personally, I believe that Balaam would have desired to curse the Israelites for reasons known only to him. However, our loving God intervened and thwarted his intentions. Hallelujah!
A completely different event transpired in Numbers 25. The Israelites fell into the trap of engaging in immoral acts with the Midianite women. In my opinion, they were seduced into such ignominious, licentious, immoral act.
How sure are you that they were seduced by the Midianite women?
Good question. Well, the Israelites consisted of both men and women who were committed to maintaining their holiness. They (the men of Israel) wouldn't have gone to them, but they (the Midianite women), being unholy came to the Israelites to intentionally seduce them. The devil took advantage of their weaknesses and they lost their guard. Oh, Kai... Not only that, the Israelites also succumbed to worshiping the Moabite gods, specifically Baalpeor. This provoked God's anger, resulting in a devastating plague that claimed the lives of twenty-four thousand people. Immorality surely carries severe consequences. Sadly to say, in this modern dispensation, immorality is now being celebrated. Child of God, be vigilant against worldly influences. If only you know that your body is the precious temple of the holy ghost.
Numbers 25 also highlights the courageous actions of Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron. Driven by his zeal to defend God's honor, Phinehas put an end to the plague by slaying an Israelite man and a Midianite woman who were caught engaging in immoral acts near the house of God. It's truly astonishing how immorality can make someone act foolishly. They were utterly foolish to partake in such actions right beside the house of God. Ultimately, God commended and rewarded Phinehas for his valiant deed.
May the Almighty God assist us in staying disciplined and never succumbing to temptation. And everybody said, Amen! 🙏