Contest :Radiations and me...

in hive-109435 •  last year  (edited)

and Hello Everyone!

Hopefully you all have a good day. I'm mehwish-almas from Pakistan.Here I'm to write about a topic "Radiation and me..." Of a contest held by @steemdoctor1.

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Radiations scientifically can be defined as a particular amount of energy which travel from one place to another at speed of light either in the form of a wave or in the form of a particle. On the basis of energy range, radiation can be divided into 7 types, which include gamma rays, x rays, UV, visible, IR and radio waves. Human eyes can only detect a narrow region of radiations which is known as visible region include 7 colours of rainbow. Radiations other then visible region cause of number of benefits and harms in many fields of life.

Nuclear Radiation
Radiation can be referred to as the emission of charged and high-energy particles or electromagnetic rays emitted from a radioactive nucleus. The main types of nuclear radiation are neutron, alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays. The first three are particles in nature while the last one is high-energy electromagnetic waves.


☢️Radioactive Sources☢️

Radio activity is a widely spreading phenomenon in nature. But not all radioactive emissions are harmful. Radio active sources are of both artificial and natural types.

💥Natural sources of radiations
Natural sources include elements Uranium Thorium and Radon many more.

These elements are present in earth crust in but their percentage is different in different areas. Our body bones, muscles, food we intake contain some radioactive material like isotope of phophorus.i.e phosphorus 40 Sunlight is also a natural source of radiation.

💥Artificial radioactive sources

Micro waves oven produce some non-ionizing radiation. X rays are used for detection of bones. Fluorescent bulb and signs also emit radiation. Glass ceramic materials, fertilizers, smoke detectors, televisions, burners etc are some examples of radioactive sources.


☢️Benefits of Radiations ☢️

Radio activity brings a lot of benefits to human life. It opens a new door of innovation for human welfare.

💥In my point of view, the most important part which radiations play for humans good is that it's used in the medical field.

Like X rays are used to detect fractured bones. Radioactive Iodine is used to detect the thyroid gland problem. any other kinds of tumors can be detected through different types of radioactive materials. Besides, digonese radioactivity is used to cure many diseases like cancerious cells, tumor treatment, to kill many kinds of bacteria at a waste range

💥Carbon dating is a very interesting use of radioactive radiation. Through this procedure, one can detect the exact age of organic material present in different substances like trees preserved fossils. This technique is used in archiolgy

💥Radiations as a huge source of energy. Through sunlight, we can gain solar energy, which is environmentally friendly.

💥 Home appliances like microwave oven, flourecent blub, air dryer, electric shaving machines, cell phones, LEDs, wifi and laptops etc

💥 Radio waves are used in transmission of communication for military appliances, for radio broadcast, television broadcast etc

💥 Radiation has vast benefits in industry. Radiation used in quality control process , sterilization process , in some cases packaging process , electric power generation , in determination of trace material etc


☢️Harmful effects of radiations☢️

A long exposure to radiation to normal radiations like to sun light causes skin burn, demage skin color , skin texture to tube light or blubs cause irritation to eyes, headache , noseia and depression etc

But many radiations are harmful in itself because these are highly energetic and have ionizing effects.

Such radiation can cause cancer, damage DNA and abnormalities in cell and body structure. Even some are more fatal, like nuclear radiation. These can evaporate the human body in no time.


☢️Radiation of our screen devices☢️

Our cell phones , laptops, tablets, LEDs, computer screens continuously emit radiation. These devices emit 3 types of energy waves.

💥The first one is light which emits from the screen. This is the most harmful radiation of devices for human health.Continuous. use of cell phones, laptops etc cause fatigue, eye irritation, can contract retinal cells leads to blindness and even some sort of eye cancer.

💥Heat energy is the second type. And these devices sometimes emit it even when we off these. Electric gadgets which are not well maintained can easily explode due to this heat emissions.

💥Third kind of energy waves are radio waves.
These waves are the source through which phone is connected to signal towers. These waves have no adverse effect on health, although a long exposure which includes some gama rays may cause damage to body tissues


☢️Precautions for screen use☢️

🟢Mobile phone screens must be used through a proper distance.
🟢Adjust its brightness to a low level or use night mode.
🟢Always keep the screen at eye level.
🟢It reduces stiffness in neck muscles.
🟢Limit your screen time and avoid useless scrolling.
🟢Anti reflective screen is helpful full for reduction in intensity of light.


Finally I would like to say that be careful about your screen time and use it in a controlled way. Because health s more important then entertainment. I invite @neelofar @shahid76 and @mubasherali to participate in this contest.

With best wishes

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Nice post, where I actually got some reading about radiation. I can say that this post helped me for upgrading my knowledge. Types of radiation and it's travel speed etc.
Absolutely I got to know about it's advantages, and indeed X-rays are very helpful for humans.
Some of disadvantages we can see, and these are almost of everything.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thank you for reading. Its good to know that you gain some know how of radiations via my post. Now I feel it worth.

Nice write up pal. Though it is going to be hard I think we should all try to reduce radiation from our electronic devices
