What are the social evils that are spreading rapidly in your society?
Social evils are issues that directly or indirectly affect the members of a society and are considered a point of controversy or a problem in regard to moral values.
Common social evils include; cast system, poverty inequality illiteracy corruption lack of education etc. The social evils and superstition that dominated the society over.
The centuries made social reforms for the development of the society illiteracy and lack of education give birth to another social evils that is superstition which is still prevalent in the Pakistan society, even in this modern era. Superstition like, one should not leave home if anyone sneezes.
What are the reason for its spread?
There are many reasons for its spreading.
Over population is the state where by the human population rises to an exceeding the carrying capacity of ecological setting. In over population environment the numbers of people might b more than the available essential metrical for survival such as transport water, or social amenities
Illiteracy education
A literate person can read and write and understand what he reads. But a illiterate person can't read and write. Suppose case the uneducated person don't know how to behave no manner, no Atticates.
Corruption is a form of dishonesty which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted in a position of authority , in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power one personal gain.
Corruption may involve many activities which include bribery, influence peddling and it may also involve practice which are legal in many countries.
Economic inequality and poverty
Poverty and economic inequality are closely related terms, they refer to distinct and different concepts, the government anti- policy by which i refer.
Primarily to policies targeted at eradicating child poverty reflect to the concept of individuals Isation because of the way it operationalises the concept of poverty, current social policy constructs the problem of poverty as being the poor.
What are its effects on society and people?
There are many types of evils in society, like social evils religious evil political evil, economic evil, moral evil etc. All these evils effects on society.
All these eviks can b said to be social evil. But social evil generally refer to those custom or tradition in society which creat social discrimination man and man. For example custom of dowry, child marriage. Most social evils are based on hate, zeal prejudice, or self interest. So these evil are based on the condition.
How can this evil be eliminates from your society?
There are different ways to eliminate to the social evils in our society.
Education as a rescuerce to eliminate social evil.
Laws are checking spread of social evil like theft, tap, murder and corruption etc.
We must make focus on our character building. A. It urges us to think and make sense of the world by differentiating between right and wrong, or good and bad. These should be done to make our society more beautiful and peaceful. If you start being better, the society will automatically become more beautiful
According to my knowledge, i have explained about social evils and education. I hope it will be very beneficial post.
heLLo @mona01
YouR providEs a thoroUgh explorAtion of sociaL eviLs in pakistAn, encOmpassing issuEs likE the caSte system, poVerty, illitEracy, anD corrUption. thE inclUsion of a perSonAl toUch, sucH as suPerstitions likE not leAving homE aftEr someoNe sneeZes, addS depTh to the discUssion. thE post is cOmmendable foR shEding liGht on thE roOt causEs of thEse problEms, inclUding overPopulAtion, lacK of educAtion, anD ecOnomic inEqualiTy.
highlIghting thE roLe of educAtion anD chAracter bUilding as toOls foR eliMinating socIal evIls demOnstrates a prActical anD posItive appRoach. thE sugGestion of enForcing laWs to cOmbat corrUption anD othEr socIal issuEs addS a laYer of reAlism to thE propOsed solUtions. thE caLl for perSonAl deVelopment cOntributing to a morE beAutiful anD peAceful socIety reSonates wEll.
overAll, thE post is a vaLuable cOntribution to thE onGoing diAlogue abOut socIal issuEs anD thEir eradIcation. it cOmbines awAreness, anAlysis, anD actIonablE solUtions, mAkInG it an inSightful reAd foR anyOne inTerested in addrEssing anD ovErcoming socIetal chAllenges.
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Existen un sin número de vales sociales y que tiene un impacto negativo en la sociedad entre ellos está la pobreza discriminación la violencia y el cibercrimen incluso todos estos delitos han aumentado año tras año
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