in hive-109435 •  2 years ago 

The Love of God.


Looking at the Love of God means Looking at God himself.

Because God is Love.

We all know John 3:16.
But God's Love is even beyond that

The point is not simply that God "loves," but that he is love itself. Love is not merely one of his attributes, but his very nature. The Scripture say,

"And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him" (1 John 4:16).

God is love means that God wants the very best for you. God has your best interest in mind. He wants to give you good gifts and provide you with "all his benefits"

(Psalm 103:2, NIV)

The Love of God Can also be rewritten as The nature of God.

The Love of God brings alot of benefits. Let's talk about a few of them

1. Spiritually (Psalm 103:3, 12)
Spiritually God's love removes the barrier that separates us from him by canceling the debt of our sin so that we can enjoy a loving relationship with him. God's love removes our sins as though they never existed.

We receive Benefits of His Love and One of the benefit is the spiritual cleansing

  1. Emotionally
    Much of our physical and emotional illness is due to moral failure. In removing the sin and guilt from our lives God's love brings healing to our emotional life.

God heals us Emotionally

In a situation of financial downturn like this period that we are in, that there's no inflow of Cash.

God Loves us and he will send us help and Love.

God won't serve us breakfast
He is well concerned about our emotional well-being

3. Eternally
The pit is the pit of death. God's love rescues us, fallen humanity, from our own bent on destruction, and grants us eternal life.

God's love made him give us his son
So that we will not die
So that we can have eternal life.

God's Love is all consuming
God's Love is all consuming
In the sense that' He wants to be in all our activities.

He wants to know every bit of our plans.
He wants to be informed in all our decision making...

God's love touches every part of our life. Nothing - no calling or circumstance, no adversity or advancement, no pain or promotion, no status or station - escapes the brush strokes of God's love.

God's love bleeds into every fabric and fiber of our lives.

His love touches every area of our lives. There is nowhere we can go to escape his love.

There is no problem that we will encounter that is not touched by his love. There is no advancement that we will make where God is not already there.

Even when our world falls apart, we can say, "God, I don't know why this is happening. I don't understand it, but I'm sure glad to know you love me."

We need to live in the consciousness that if God be for us no one can be against us

We are like the little boy who got separated from his mother in the mall. He was looking around for his mommy, and getting scared.

He began to cry because everyone was a stranger and everything looked so confusing and every store was packed and he didn't have his mommy.

But all of a sudden, his mother found him and picked him up.

He is eyes began to dry, not because his surroundings were changed, but because of whose arms he was in.

When you have someone who loves holding you

it doesn't matter anymore what everyone else does or what the circumstances are or what the future holds.When you are in the arms of a loving God

when you have been consumed with his love, you share in his benefits. It's all right.

You won't need to be afraid Not cos you have power but because you have a powerful God

Remember that we are only more than conquerors through Him who loved us

Just as a man cleaves to a woman.

God's Love is personal
His love to me depends on how I'm able to reciprocate his Love. And also you my Friend

But some reciprocates it more than others

The more you reciprocate.the more the Lord grows

The Love grows

As a child of God
We therefore need to reciprocate the Love of our Father.

In order to make the Love grow and blossom in our lives

Remember the word of God said We should

Love our God with all of our mind soul and power and also our neighbors too.

Just as God has shown us his unending Love so should we also reciprocate it to our neighbors.

Finally tonight.
The Love of God endures and nothing can seperate us from it. Because God's Love is God himself and nothing can seperate us from God...
Let's make move to reciprocate his love.
So that we can enjoy the Love in full.

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Peace & Love!